Tag Archives: force-injuries

Man tells police he had sex with female corpse but claims he didn’t kill her

August 13, 2010 – Police arrested 26-year-old Bernard Keith Howell, III of Tenino Sunday night after he was caught carrying the corpse of a woman in his pick-up truck. Howell has since admitted to having sex with the corpse. The body of Vanda Boone was wrapped in plastic and a sleeping bag in the back passenger seat. Thurston County Coroner Gary Warnock said Boone died after her throat was slashed. Also contributing to her death were blunt force injuries to her head and neck, and asphyxia due to strangulation and suffocation. In his truck, Howell had plastic bags, zip ties, bungee-type elastic cords, and a 10-pound-weight. Howell claims he did not kill Boone and, according to court documents, denied having any involvement in her death. Later, after he was arrested, he did tell police that he had sex with her dead body. http://www.examiner.com/headlines-in-seattle/man-tells-police-he-had-sex-with-fe… added by: unimatrix0