Tag Archives: forces-people

Teen Mom Farrah’s Porn Announcement of the Day

I have never seen the Teen Mom show, but I think it is safe to say that the girls on it are trashy as fuck, that’s usually how teen mom’s operate, I mean classy teen girls who get pregnant get Plan B or abortions so that they can live on with their irresponsible lives. So hearing the news she had a sex tape this morning was hardly shocking, and when that news turned to it being an actual porno, I was equally not shocked, because porn is all about trashy girls, the kind of girl who would be a teen mom, all filled with daddy issues and damaged as fuck. Not to mention, She’s tried the music thing and that didn’t work out for her So the story is that she’s getting fucked by James Deen, in what is obviously her cry for attention, cuz she’s not a teen mom being exploited anymore and she needs the fame to continue cuz that shit is more addictive than heroin. Porn is mainstream, it won’t damage her career, partially cuz she doesn’t have a career, but I am sure it will make her baby proud, that is provided he doesn’t die in a bath or from neglect or when mommy decides to murder them off like that bitch in Flordia, as these trailer park families and their party slut mom’s often do. She’s garbage but her porn will probably be awesome. I’m going to work on getting exclusive footage of it, so stay tuned to the wholesome, well rounded mom, who will teach her kid the morals and values she needs to know…. It’s being put out by VIVID

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Teen Mom Farrah’s Porn Announcement of the Day

Rumer Willis Goes To Events in Bikini Tops of the Day

Rumer Willis is pretty disgusting to look at, and I just like to check in with what she is up to every now and then, because she is a reminder, that although she lives the perfect rich girl life, thanks to her mom and dad’s celebrity, she’s still vile, that to her mom and dad’s clashing of incompatible genetics, and a uterus probably ravaged by HPV and hard drug use, cuz before the millions Demi put into Plastic surgery that happened after she fucked her way to the top from a nude model to the star of GI JANE, she probably looked a lot like this alien, only with a little less Bruce Willis midget in it. She showed up to some event like this, cuz clothes forces people to notice her face. Bikini tops, allow us to be distracted. I appreciate the effort she put in, and the sick thing in all this is that I’d totally eat this thing out for hours, slapping my dick in her face, exploring our sexuality and boundaries, because as disgusting as she is on paper, she kinda turns me on. TO SEE THE REST OF THE PICS FOLLOW THIS LINK

See the original post here:
Rumer Willis Goes To Events in Bikini Tops of the Day