Source: Scott Dudelson / Getty Never forget the time in 2013 when Odd Future’s Tyler, The Creator photobombed Donald Trump . Taco set up the gag, and Trump made it even better by explaining to his followers why there is a photo of him and two young Black men having a good time. never forget when Tyler, The Creator photobombed Donald Trump — Odd Future (@itsOddFuture) October 20, 2017
Lautner will debut the ‘Abduction’ trailer and chat with MTV News on Wednesday at 7:56 p.m. ET. By Jocelyn Vena Taylor Lautner Photo: MTV News With so much talk about his abs at the VMAs and that one special moment he shared with Tom Cruise at the MTV Movie Awards, who could forget the time Taylor Lautner waxed poetic about “Twilight” tattoos? With just a few days until “MTV First: Taylor Lautner,” which premieres Wednesday on air and online at 7:56 p.m. ET, we’re counting down Lautner’s finest MTV moments — and at #3, the action stud recounted one particularly jarring fan encounter. “Usually, they don’t have something for you to sign, so they stick out their hand or their arm for you to sign, so I’m going down the line signing arms,” he said of an autograph session last summer. One of the arms came with a big surprise: “Then I get to an arm that has a gigantic wolf pack tattoo!” After feeling the tattoo to make sure it was real, he signed the fan’s arm, hoping that his signature wouldn’t also make the final cut as a permanent tat. “Sure enough, the very next day I get a call from a buddy saying, ‘Did you sign somebody’s arm? Because it’s tattooed to her now,’ ” he recalled. “I didn’t know whether to feel bad or whether it’s cool. It’s so different.” Don’t miss “MTV First: Taylor Lautner” this Wednesday at 7:56 p.m. ET on MTV and Tune in to see Lautner debut the trailer for “Abduction,” followed by a live 30-minute interview on Tweet questions using the hashtag #asktaylor to get in the conversation! Related Videos ‘MTV First: Taylor Lautner’ Is Coming! Related Photos The Evolution Of: Taylor Lautner