Tag Archives: fourth-place

Friday Box Office: Transformers Continues Assault, Larry Crowne Flops

All hail Megatron! While Transformers: Dark of the Moon earned “just” $33.5 million on Friday night — 15 percent behind what Revenge of the Fallen grabbed on its first Friday in 2009 — the Michael Bay-directed explosion orgy is on track to bank $185 million through its first seven days. That might be disappointing, until you consider the foreign grosses, which are expected to top $200 million over the same timeframe. The outlook isn’t as rosy for Larry Crowne : the film crashed its moped into fourth place on the chart, and won’t top $20 million for the weekend. Your Friday box office is here.

See the article here:
Friday Box Office: Transformers Continues Assault, Larry Crowne Flops

Friday Box Office: Thor Takes The Crown Again; Bridesmaids Settle Into Second Place

It was another happy Friday in the halls as Asgard (especially for Frigg) as Thor stayed at number one with a (relatively) slim decline from its blockbuster first weekend. The fartin’ ladies of Bridesmaids notched a strong debut at second place while the vamps of Priest could only scare up a fourth place start. Your Friday box office is here.

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Friday Box Office: Thor Takes The Crown Again; Bridesmaids Settle Into Second Place

Watch The Original Lame Ending To Election

1999’s Election is probably Reese Witherspoon’s very best role. As laser-eyed grade-grubber Tracy Flick who had her sights set on becoming the school body president, Witherspoon was equal parts venomous and hilarious– nothing would stop Flick’s bloodthirsty rise to the top. And its bleakly funny ending, though a bit of a bummer, rang true to the mordant black humor that runs through the rest of Election . But now the original ending (that’s evidently true to the source novel) has surfaced and we see that the audience narrowly missed a coda that’s all hugs and accepted apologies and other bits of bland porridge. Check it out below! [ Vulture ]

The rest is here:
Watch The Original Lame Ending To Election

Weekend Receipts: Thor Thumps Bridesmaids, Priest Finds Audiences Agnostic

It was a super second weekend for Thor as it held on to the top spot and declined a relatively slim -47% (contrast that with the -62% tumble that Fast Five took on its second weekend). But the good news wasn’t confined to first, as the poopin’ dames of Bridesmaids notched a strong debut at second place. But pity the clergy as Priest could only muster a fourth place bow. Your weekend receipts are here.

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Weekend Receipts: Thor Thumps Bridesmaids, Priest Finds Audiences Agnostic

Nicole Michele Johnson Miss California USA

Miss California USA 2010 Nicole Michele Johnson, a contestant in the Miss USA 2010 pageant set to crown a new Miss USA on Sunday, May 16, 2010 in Las Vegas. Miss California USA Nicole Michele Johnson moved into fourth place Tuesday night in Internet voting for Miss USA 2010. Johnson, 24, lives in Westlake Village, Calif.

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Nicole Michele Johnson Miss California USA