Tag Archives: further-whet

Movieline’s Week in Review: Bad Romance

Husbands, wives… Parents, kids… As we saw this week at Movieline, no one was safe from relationship issues. At least we have each other, right, Dear Reader? Uh, right? OK, whew. Anyway, our Week in Review feature has everything you need to know wrapped in one convenient spot. Just maybe don’t read it all at once, and either way drop back by this weekend for more Cannes Film Festival coverage and the soothing editorial strains of Dixon Gaines. Have a great one!

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Movieline’s Week in Review: Bad Romance

Friday Box Office: Thor Takes The Crown Again; Bridesmaids Settle Into Second Place

It was another happy Friday in the halls as Asgard (especially for Frigg) as Thor stayed at number one with a (relatively) slim decline from its blockbuster first weekend. The fartin’ ladies of Bridesmaids notched a strong debut at second place while the vamps of Priest could only scare up a fourth place start. Your Friday box office is here.

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Friday Box Office: Thor Takes The Crown Again; Bridesmaids Settle Into Second Place

CANNES REVIEW: Pirates of the Caribbean: On Stranger Tides is Both Good-Natured and Exhausting

Rob Marshall’s Pirates of the Caribbean: On Stranger Tides is the most modest picture in the Pirates franchise since the 2003 Curse of the Black Pearl — which doesn’t mean it’s necessarily modest. On Stranger Tides , shot in 3-D, offers more muted special effects, more swashbuckling and swordplay and perhaps fewer needless plot twists than either the 2006 Dead Man’s Chest or the 2007 At World’s End . Both of those movies took everything that was casual and fun about the first picture and shackled it with million-dollar handcuffs. They were expensive-looking and clumsy, out to impress us rather than settle for anything so mundane as to simply entertain us.

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CANNES REVIEW: Pirates of the Caribbean: On Stranger Tides is Both Good-Natured and Exhausting

Chris Hemsworth Nails Down The Role Of Huntsman Opposite Kristen Stewart’s Snow White

Don’t worry, Snow, someday your prince will come…in the form of strapping God of Thunder it turns out. The long-rumored frontrunner Chris Hemsworth has indeed finally been officially cast as the Huntsman (not to be confused with the Republican candidate for president or an heir to the Manwich fortune) in the Kristin Stewart-led Snow White and the Huntsman , one of the roughly 137 different “edgy” Snow White adaptations being bandied about. [ Deadline ]

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Chris Hemsworth Nails Down The Role Of Huntsman Opposite Kristen Stewart’s Snow White

Two X-Men: First Class TV Spots Add A Little Mutant Mayhem To Your Day

You can keep your Fast Fiveses and your assorted overproduced Pirates –the summer movie I’m most looking forward to is X-Men First Class . And now we’ve got two new television spots to further whet our appetites for our favorite Homo Superiors in the 1960s. Thankfully, I don’t think I’ll ever tire of Michael Fassbender telling that me peace was never an option. And check out wee baby Professor X!

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Two X-Men: First Class TV Spots Add A Little Mutant Mayhem To Your Day