Tag Archives: from-the-prior

Anger Management Ratings: Is Charlie Sheen Winning?

Hmmm… what’s the opposite of winning? A week after his new sitcom posted historic numbers for FX – becoming the network’s most-watched premiere of all-time – Charlie Sheen and Anger Management plummeted back to reality last Thursday night. The third episode of the series brought in 3.37 million viewers overall, a 38 percent drop from the prior week. A similar decline was experienced in the coveted advertiser demographic of 18-49-year olds, as 35 percent fewer (2.65 million) tuned in for week two. Still, if the latter figures hold steady, Anger Management will be considered a wild success for a cable comedy, on par with Wilfred (2.5 million) and way ahead of Louie (1.4 million). Prepare yourselves if this comes true, people: FX has signed an unusual deal with Sheen that promises an addition 90 – yes, 90! – episodes if the sitcom is picked up beyond the initial 10.

Anger Management Ratings: Is Charlie Sheen Winning?

Breaking Dawn Clip: A Shocker for Bella

The latest Breaking Dawn clip is a natural progression from the prior one released earlier this week. In that sneak peek, we see Edward and Bella excitedly enter their honeymoon suite . And we all know what comes next , don’t we, Twihards? And after that… Bella finds out for herself below, telling her new husband that she’s late and wondering how that could be possible, before looking in the mirror, feeling her stomach and – WHOA! Yes, the adventure and danger for this couple is only just beginning. Watch now: Breaking Dawn Sneak Peek: Bella is Pregnant!

Breaking Dawn Clip: A Shocker for Bella

Best Church of God Vs. An Atheist [video]

A silly video about a bunch of wackaloon religious wingnuts and an atheist humanist discussing religion and how god forces people to live moral and decent lives. (The video is silly, but the protest signs are rather amusing). added by: GrrlScientist

The war on the middle class is nearing completion

The recent findings from the CBO on income inequality in the US is shocking and disheartening. If the following stats aren't reason to overhaul our tax policy, nothing is. It's time to not only let the Bush tax cuts for millionaires and billionaires expire, but also roll back the Reagan tax cuts. Getting the millionaires club, aka the Senate, to take action will be hard, but call your members of congress and urge them to give the middle class a chance. “Major findings: In 2007, the share of after-tax income going to the top 1 percent hit its highest level (17.1 percent) since 1979, while the share going to the middle one-fifth of Americans shrank to its lowest level during this period (14.1 percent). Between 1979 and 2007, average after-tax incomes for the top 1 percent rose by 281 percent after adjusting for inflation — an increase in income of $973,100 per household — compared to increases of 25 percent ($11,200 per household) for the middle fifth of households and 16 percent ($2,400 per household) for the bottom fifth (see Figure 1). If all groups’ after-tax incomes had grown at the same percentage rate over the 1979-2007 period, middle-income households would have received an additional $13,042 in 2007 and families in the bottom fifth would have received an additional $6,010. In 2007, the average household in the top 1 percent had an income of $1.3 million, up $88,800 just from the prior year; this $88,800 gain is well above the total 2007 income of the average middle-income household ($55,300).” http://www.cbpp.org/cms/?fa=view http://farm5.static.flickr.com/4074/4738359043_3c5c8bcdb7_b.jpg added by: tbowman131