Tag Archives: honeymoon-suite

Migos Address Their Controversial Comments On iLoveMakonnen’s Sexuality

Migos have issued a statement addressing their comments about iLoveMakonnen’s homosexuality.

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Migos Address Their Controversial Comments On iLoveMakonnen’s Sexuality

Are You The One? Indiscretion: Can Kam Forgive Edward For His Shocking Sexcapade?

Kam and Edward are headed into the ‘AYTO’ honeymoon suite with some seriously unresolved issues. Can they recover?

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Are You The One? Indiscretion: Can Kam Forgive Edward For His Shocking Sexcapade?

Breaking Dawn Clip: A Shocker for Bella

The latest Breaking Dawn clip is a natural progression from the prior one released earlier this week. In that sneak peek, we see Edward and Bella excitedly enter their honeymoon suite . And we all know what comes next , don’t we, Twihards? And after that… Bella finds out for herself below, telling her new husband that she’s late and wondering how that could be possible, before looking in the mirror, feeling her stomach and – WHOA! Yes, the adventure and danger for this couple is only just beginning. Watch now: Breaking Dawn Sneak Peek: Bella is Pregnant!

Breaking Dawn Clip: A Shocker for Bella

Rielle Hunter: Engaged to John Edwards?

This story keeps on getting better and better. John Edwards is reportedly engaged to Rielle Hunter, his mistress and the mother of his love child, reports say. Two weeks ago, Edwards finally admitted that he is the father of Hunter’s two-year-old daughter. Since then, Edwards and wife Elizabeth legally separated. According to the National Enquirer, who broke the Edwards love child scandal, he proposed to his mistress on the same day he came clean about paternity. “John dropped the proposal bomb on Rielle shortly before he issued his statement that he was indeed Frances’ father,” a source told the celeb news tabloid. “ Rielle Hunter has been waiting for a proposal for two long years. She deserved to know he wanted to raise their child together, and wanted Rielle in his life.” If this is true, which we highly doubt but can’t officially rule out, you know what’s coming next: The John Edwards Sex Tape II: Honeymoon Suite Style! Will Rielle Hunter become the new Mrs. John Edwards? “John said that when his divorce is final, he’ll buy her a diamond ring. In the meantime, he’s getting them a house.” A $3.5 million beach house, allegedly. The Enquirer says that Edwards expects his divorce from his cancer-stricken wife to be completed within a year, paving the way for a marriage to Hunter. A spokeswoman for John Edwards denied this report, much like his people did numerous times about the affair … and the love child … and the coverup. “It’s absolutely not true,” his spokesman said, adding that