Tag Archives: full-blown

Zsa Zsa Gabor Released from Hospital Tomorrow

Filed under: Zsa Zsa Gabor , Prince Frederic von Anhalt Zsa Zsa Gabor will be released from the hospital tomorrow, her husband tells TMZ, and her condition was a lot worse than anyone had previously known. Prince Frederic von Anhalt

Zsa Zsa Gabor Released from Hospital Tomorrow

Filed under: Zsa Zsa Gabor , Prince Frederic von Anhalt Zsa Zsa Gabor will be released from the hospital tomorrow, her husband tells TMZ, and her condition was a lot worse than anyone had previously known. Prince Frederic von Anhalt

Saudi Judge Mulls Spinal Paralysis Sentence

Fight Victim Asks Court to Order Attacker Paralyzed by Damage to Spinal Cord Under Eye-for-an-Eye Islamic Law (AP) A Saudi judge has asked several hospitals in the country whether they could damage a man's spinal cord as punishment after he was convicted of attacking another man with a cleaver and paralyzing him, the brother of the victim said Thursday. Abdul-Aziz al-Mutairi, 22, was left paralyzed and subsequently lost a foot after a fight more than two years ago. He asked a judge in northwestern Tabuk province to impose an equivalent punishment on his attacker under Islamic law, his brother Khaled al-Mutairi told The Associated Press by telephone from there. He said one of the hospitals, located in Tabuk, responded that it is possible to damage the spinal cord, but it added that the operation would have to be done at another more specialized facility. Saudi newspapers reported that a second hospital in the capital Riyadh declined, saying it could not inflict such harm. Administrative offices of two of the hospitals and the court in Tabuk were closed for the Saudi weekend beginning Thursday and could not be reached for comment. CBSNews.com Asks: Does America Hate Islam? A copy of the medical report from the King Khaled Hospital in Tabuk province obtained by the AP said the same injury al-Mutairi suffers from can be inflicted on his attacker using a nerve stimulant, and inducing the same injuries in the same locations. The report was dated six months ago. Saudi Arabia enforces strict Islamic law and occasionally doles out punishments based on the ancient legal code of an eye-for-an-eye. However, King Abdullah has been trying to clamp down on extremist ideology, including unauthorized clerics issuing odd religious decrees. Islam…. that religion of peace added by: 2helenahandbasket

Greenland May Soon Disappear

A panel of scientists told Congress the entire ice mass of Greenland will disappear from the world map if temperatures rise by as little as 2C –3.6 degrees Fahrenheit, with severe consequences for the rest of the world.The fall-out would be felt thousands of miles away from the Arctic, unleashing a global sea level rise of 23 feet. Low-lying cities such as New Orleans would vanish. added by: The_Global_Report

t r u t h o u t | History Does Not Lie – Unless It Is Being Invented by Republicans

And what seems to be a full blown political season until the mid-terms, we are going to be told this is Obama and the Democrats fault this mess we are in. And of course the republican plan is for more of the same that got us in to trouble in the first place (Tax Cuts). The Republicans them self put a year into the the cuts to end and that year is coming in january. If the tax cuts for the rich worked so well, WHERE ARE THE JOBS that so called tax cuts for wealthy that are still place. added by: kennymotown