Tag Archives: funny-or-weird

JWOWW in a See Through Dress of the Day

JWOWW did some fashion show for Richie Rich. He normally uses Pam Anderson, but I guess since the milk in her fake tits is expired, he went for someone with a little more of a name, something that make Pam Anderson want to kill herself, cuz being replaced by JWOWW is a fate worse than death….proving that all you need in America is a set of fake tits to get by….talent, substance and intelligence don’t matter…but then again…what the fuck do I know, JWOWW is the published author, not me.

JWOWW in a See Through Dress of the Day

Some Big Tit Friday Big Tit Weirdness of the Day

I can’t land advertisers cuz I post nipples on the site, so I should make this whole site about nipples…cuz really I’m already being punished for the shit by not making the millioms I think I deserve so I might as well not hold back on my posts…not that I really do…but I don’t want a porn site, but naked bitches aren’t really porn to me…but then again what is porn….to some people clothed bitches are porn…sexuality is just a weird thing that one thing is funny or weird to one that is normal and erotic to another or offensive to another…you just can’t please everyone.. I’m sure there are people who jerk off to fox news, or huffington post, or google image searches for flowers…you know what I mean…so many grey areas and as far as I’m concerned – this video is safe for always… I am hoping there’s no one jerking off to this shit though….cuz it’s disgusting…I blame nuclear warfare….but that you Asia for not only making my soiled sweatpants, but also for making me my day.


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Some Big Tit Friday Big Tit Weirdness of the Day