Tag Archives: future-relies

Kendall Jenner Strategic Nude vs Kylie Jenner Strategic Selfie of the Day

OH LOOK – Kendall and Kyle Jenner are whoring…they must be getting instructed by their team that due to summer vacation, their numbers are dropping and it is important to bring them back up, since the family’s future relies on them…you know being shameless, opportunistic whores requires STRATEGY…and apparently…plastic surgery, face injections and half nakedness….I approve of…but the rest of it…just take them out back and put them out of their misery for the benefit of society as a whole… The post Kendall Jenner Strategic Nude vs Kylie Jenner Strategic Selfie of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepFather.com .

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Kendall Jenner Strategic Nude vs Kylie Jenner Strategic Selfie of the Day