Tag Archives: george-brett

Lana Del Rey’s Dad Disses Lorde on Twitter

And you thought your dad was embarrassing on Twitter. Ad account executive Rob Grant – who also happens to be the father of Lana Del Rey – has launched a bizarre Twitter offensive against Lorde, whom he clearly regards as a rival of Lana’s. When a friend tweeted to Grant that Lana’s forthcoming album is “addictive,” Rob replied, “More addictive than Pure Heroine,” referring to Lorde’s debut release. In all likelihood, Grant then dislocated his shoulder in an effort to pat himself on the back for his clever pun. Okay, so it’s a pretty mild insult, but it still seems strange that Grant feels it’s appropriate to tear down other artists in the name of building up his daughter. No stranger to feuds with other artists, Lana attacked Lady Gaga in a song that leaked online last summer.  For his part, Grant has reportedly bankrolled Lana’s career and many stage name changes up to this point, so he may feel that disrespecting teenage girls on Twitter is a way of protecting his investment. The always classy Lorde has yet to respond to Grant’s comment but if she decides she needs an old guy to get her back in this fight, she can always call on her new friend George Brett .

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Lana Del Rey’s Dad Disses Lorde on Twitter

12 Epic Tattoo Failures These People Likely Regret

Good news, celebrities! You aren’t the only who have regrettable tattoos! Following our rundown of 17 Celebrity Tattoos That May Not Have Been a Great Idea , we’ve now compiled a list of 12 epic tattoo failures by regular Joes and Janes. Some of these are misspelled. Others are premature celebrations for Presidential candidates and college basketball teams. But all are cringe-worthy and hilarious… because we aren’t the ones who got them. Click around and laugh now: 12 Epic Tattoo Fails Open Slideshow 1. I’m Awsome Awesome font, dude. Less awesome spelling ability, however. View As List

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12 Epic Tattoo Failures These People Likely Regret

Lorde Meets George Brett: The Royal That Inspired ‘Royals’

Lorde has openly discussed her love of all things regal (her stage name is a feminized take on the noble title), but it was a different kind of Royal that inspired her 2013 breakthrough hit. Lorde credits a photo of baseball legend George Brett signing autographs in his Kansas City Royals uniform with giving her the idea for the title of her first single.  Brett was touched by the tribute and the 60-year-old Hall of Famer and 17-year-old hitmaker have been trying to coordinate a meet and greet for almost a year. George was forced to miss Lorde’s recent tour stop in Kansas City, but he sent her a signed jersey with the inscription, “Lorde, you’re royal to me.”  With their hectic schedules, it was beginning to look as though the two stars from very different walks of life would never cross paths. But last night in Vegas, it finally happened: Lorde’s people contacted Brett upon learning they would both be in the city at the same time. They arranged a time to meet up and Lorde posted a photo of the unlikely besties to Twitter. Lorde reportedly told Brett that his signed jersey is “the coolest thing” she owns. No word on how Lorde’s boyfriend James Lowe feels about her apparent infatuation with the iconic first baseman.

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Lorde Meets George Brett: The Royal That Inspired ‘Royals’

Was Lorde’s ‘Royals’ Inspired By A Pants-Pooping Hall Of Famer?

Lorde reveals that MLB star George Brett inadvertently inspired her hit single, makes us all very confused. By James Montgomery

See the article here:
Was Lorde’s ‘Royals’ Inspired By A Pants-Pooping Hall Of Famer?