I never watched Dawson’s Creek cuz I am not a chick, gay or a virgin. That shit was too fucking boring for me and it portrayed small town kids in a horrible light…you see I don’t like my small town kids acting all mature and college with an annoying vocabulary and emo issues, I want to kill people like that when I get stuck behind them in line at the coffee shop. I want my small town kids high on meth, getting knocked up out of boredom, and doing real dirty shit that only happens to bored kids in the middle of fucking no where when they aren’t busy beating up the gay kid…..But I did think Katie Holmes was great when that movie she gets topless and killed in… But then Tom Cruise happened….and those tits were put on lockdown, but here she is showing off tit for old times and for the Tony Awards, because as a closet gay man, the Tony Awards are the one night a year Katie Holmes can go out and slut out, cuz he’ll be too busy chocking out on cock backstage… Pics via Fame

See the article here:
Katie Holmes Tits for Old Times of the Day
Posted in Hot Stuff, Sex, Videos
Tagged awards, celeb news, chocking-out, cock-backstage, gets-topless, Katie Holmes, middle, never-watched, only-happens, Pictures, showing-off-tit, Small-town, topless