Tag Archives: getting-rammed

Taylor Swift for ASOS Magazine of the Day

I am not thankful for Taylor Swift’s existence, or her music, that crosses all genres and walks of life, that is totally accessible making her more rich than god… I am not thankful that I have to listen to it, and that I know the words even though I’ve never actively or intentionally listened to it. I am not thankful that she did it by playing the slutty girl just looking for love, who could never find love, because men were using her…. I would be more thankful if she embraced her inner slut and ran with it, like all the young feminsts are doing…instead of giving dudes a bad name….and spinning stories like a liar to make a fortune…because you and your team are marketing geniuses… Here she is not slutty, because she’s not slutty publicly, even though we all know there are dudes out there with stories we want to hear….not because she’s hot, but because seeing her getting rammed up the ass, like she does or did before lesbianism, would be fullfilling….like a thanksgiving turkey…

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Taylor Swift for ASOS Magazine of the Day

Taylor Swift for ASOS Magazine of the Day

I am not thankful for Taylor Swift’s existence, or her music, that crosses all genres and walks of life, that is totally accessible making her more rich than god… I am not thankful that I have to listen to it, and that I know the words even though I’ve never actively or intentionally listened to it. I am not thankful that she did it by playing the slutty girl just looking for love, who could never find love, because men were using her…. I would be more thankful if she embraced her inner slut and ran with it, like all the young feminsts are doing…instead of giving dudes a bad name….and spinning stories like a liar to make a fortune…because you and your team are marketing geniuses… Here she is not slutty, because she’s not slutty publicly, even though we all know there are dudes out there with stories we want to hear….not because she’s hot, but because seeing her getting rammed up the ass, like she does or did before lesbianism, would be fullfilling….like a thanksgiving turkey…

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Taylor Swift for ASOS Magazine of the Day