Tag Archives: gettysburg

Presidents Day Fashion Face-Off: Washington vs. Lincoln!

Happy Presidents Day 2015! True American heroes don’t come any truer than these two … who we decided to pit against each other to determine the greatest of all time. OF ALL TIME! In an epic Fashion Face-Off for the ages! Sort of literally! Honest Abe and G-Dubs’ duds haven’t been popular in ages, yet by the same token, you never go out of style when you’re a legend, a titan in the pantheon of history. So vote for your favorite historical fashion icon in the poll below! And the Winner is? Abraham Lincoln Click Here To Vote for Abe George Washington Click Here To Vote for G-Dubs They were both A-plus chief executives, but which U.S. President do you love more, Abraham Lincoln or George Washington? That’s what we wanna know! View Poll » George Washington and Abraham Lincoln, people. Bow down. The very first President of the United States, the General who started it all, Washington led the rebellion over Great Britain, then oversaw the birth of a nation. Sort of puts the rest of our lives in pathetic perspective. Except for Lincoln, who, four score and seven years later, delivered the Gettysburg Address, vying to preserve the union his predecessors fought valiantly for. Against similarly long odds, both leaders delivered. In their respective eras and this one, they are giants among men. Ranking their achievements and legacies is impossible … but we can at least do fashion. Vote for your favorite Presidential attire above!

Presidents Day Fashion Face-Off: Washington vs. Lincoln!

New Details Emerge on Lara Logan Beating; Flag Poles Used in Attack

Lara Logan is resting at home and sources say the CBS reporter is in good spirits , following a savage attack at the hands of Egypt protesters. But a new report details just how brutal of a beating Logan suffered at the hands of these rioters on February 11. Sources tell The Sunday Times of London that attackers used fists and flag poles against Logan, while wounds that remained hours later were the result of “”aggressive pinching.” It all began around 1 a.m. local time, as a crowd of approximately 200 people shouted “Spy!” and “Israeli!,” surrounding Logan and her co-workers in the wake of President Hosni Mubarak’s resignation. One security guard had his hand broken. A group of women and soldiers eventually came to the aid of Logan and company. They pulled her away from the mob and back to the Four Seasons, where a hotel doctor treated her and gave her a sedative. “Lara is getting better daily,” a friend told the newspaper. “The psychological trauma is as bad as, if not worse than, the physical injuries. She might talk about it at some time in the future, but not now.”

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New Details Emerge on Lara Logan Beating; Flag Poles Used in Attack

Presidents Day Fashion Face-Off: Lincoln vs. Washington!

You just won’t find two greater American heroes than Abraham Lincoln and George Washington, two former chief executives honored with a national holiday today. Our first president, Washington led a rebellion over Great Britain, crafting a land of opportunity, where life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness are held dear. Four score and seven years later, Lincoln delivered the Gettysburg Address, steadfastly vying to preserve the nation his predecessors fought so valiantly for. Ranking the achievements and indelible marks left by these two men is impossible. Comparing 19th and 18th Century fashion, however? You’re on it! Vote:

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Presidents Day Fashion Face-Off: Lincoln vs. Washington!

What is Jon Stewarts Important Announcement?

Jon's important announcement will be equivalent to three or four Sermons on the Mount or perhaps 7.3 Gettysburg Addresses. Will it be a “Glenn Beck” like rally? Stay tuned… added by: onemalefla