Tag Archives: give-it-some

Hilary Duff in Cosmo of the Day

Hilary Duff is the most recent covergirl for Cosmo…where she is sharing the cover with very important sensational stories like “YOU COME FIRST – HOTTER SEX FOR YOU”….and “Turn -On Tricks, OMG FOREPLAY, BIG-O Shortcuts”…..and “Dates from Hell, you’ll LOL at these Effed-Up Stories”….and my favorite “Gyno News – A controversial new cure for cramps”…. Silly content, recycled content, I mean how many sex tips can a magazine give to horny sex crazed women – month after month – issue after issue – before you either run out of ideas, exhaust the same idea since there’s really only 5-10 moves in sex, but yet Cosmo manages to continue, girls still buy into this shit….and the real question is how many of them masturbate to the magazine, like it’s a porno….or if that’s reserved for teen boys sneaking their sisters magazine into the bathroom… Either way, a photoshopped DUFF, is a dramatic looking DUFF, but the rest of the pictures are so fucking boring… The only exciting thing is that she says she’s obsessed with MAUI, so if you want to plan her abduction, as you probably do because you are her fan and her fans are fucking weirdos, just move to Maui with all the rich hippies…and wait at the airport for her return….it’s the long play, but you best chance in seeing her and her thick muscular legs do squats in a bikini…I mean unless you count paparazzi pics, in which case… CLICK THIS LINK TO SEE HER RECENT NON MAUI BIKINI PICS The post Hilary Duff in Cosmo of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

Hilary Duff in Cosmo of the Day

The Bella Thorne Crew Doing Pilates of the Day

Not only does my pathetic pervert ass know who Bella Thorne is….as a personality, actor, child star, jailbait, exploited by her parents to become the next LOHAN…nothing wrong with that….because Stage Parents just have a dream…an ego…a delusion and an understanding of ROI on bringing a girl into the world who can make the family some motherfucking cash…not that this one makes that much cash, but she has a lot of followers, so she must… Well, I also know she’s back on vacation, and her and her girls had so much fun – they decided to run to a pilates class together – because that’s how BFFing works….especially when the BFFs are famewhores trying to ride this one’s coattails like I want to be ridden by her….hard. But scammers need company to continue the scam…to make it more believable…to give it some layers…otherwise it’s just slutty selfies…and there’s more to her than slutty selfies…she also does pilates….I think they call it the long con…ans I don’t even believe she’s actually 18…but I like the storyline…it makes her hotter… The pic of her selfie-ing is just too much…these girls these days are fucking nuts… TO SEE THE REST OF THE PICS CLICK HERE The post The Bella Thorne Crew Doing Pilates of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

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The Bella Thorne Crew Doing Pilates of the Day

Charlotte McKinney with Legs and Shorts of the Day

The only thing fascinating about Charlotte McKinney, is that in this feminist driven, genderless world of social justice warriors, she was able to break through the fat chicks and lesbian looking girls who people were celebrating, and make it as a famous instagram model…all because she has big fat natural tits… She didn’t need a beautiful face, or talent, or anything compelling…all she needed was tits on her small frame….to convince the Dancing with the Stars people she probably met at a party, that she was in fact a star… I think it’s refreshing that a girl no one ever really cared or knew, who never did any TV or even modeling campaigns, who didn’t even have a huge instagram following, and if she did it was probably fake…can get on TV all because of the tits. It is nice to know that we are still a gang of fucking perverts, who can appreciate a girl for what matters…her tits… Tits, that have since landed her a role in the Baywatch movie. Tits, that no one even cared about a month after Dancing with the Stars ended. Tits, that have done very little more than be just tits… Tits, that she’s trying to subdue, and even hide, to remind you that she’s more than just tits… No, she hasn’t launched a charity, or published a book on tricking producers with tits that you matter, and how it’s affected her life as an objectified creature. She hasn’t even done the “My eyes are up here” that big tits my whole life have been telling me as I stare at them.. She has instead decided to say “I have an ass too. Give it some attention too. It’s in Baywatch the Next Generation co-starring with the tits you know”…. The amazing thing in all this is that she doesn’t still work at a South Florida HOOTERS…. TO SEE THE REST OF THE PICS CLICK HERE The post Charlotte McKinney with Legs and Shorts of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

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Charlotte McKinney with Legs and Shorts of the Day