Tag Archives: glee-spoilers

Big Brother Recap: Don’t Let the Back Door Hit You on the Way Out

Big Jeff is definitely in charge of Big Brother house. Following Sunday’s commanding Head of Household win , he proceeded to win the veto as well, leaving himself with all the options and all the power. He acted like it, too, with a move that could come back to bite him, but more than likely defeated his opposing alliance for good. Only time will tell. THG recaps last night’s Big Brother episode below … Whatever you think of him personally, Jeff is very good at Big Brother . His #1 achievement is what he did the previous 2-3 weeks, shoring up quasi-pacts with Shelly, Adam and Rachel. This gives him quite an edge. Plus 7 . Daniele, meanwhile, seems like a bit of a lost puppy when she’s not in the driver’s seat. Minus only 3 , because she’s quieter about it than Rachel at least. Speaking of Boo-key’s girl, Rachel is dead set on vengeance. Minus 15 for bad strategy, but Plus 5 because her attempts to bug Daniele do seem to work. Plus 6 for Jordan’s oddly sexy humilitard-removing striptease-thing. Plus 7 for Jeff and Jordan’s debate over how to pronounce “mischievous.” Man, Zingbot 3000’s voice is so annoying, but it did have some good lines, and made everyone quite uncomfortable. Net positive, we’d say, of about Plus 6 . Even ZB was overwhelmed by the sheer amount of Rachel material. It settled with “Every other word is just the F-word! Fiance! Fiance! ZZZZIIING! ” Plus 5 . Plus 3 , because the Zingbot is actually less robotic than Porsche. Zingbot to Dani: “Do you own a car…or are you still riding on your daddy’s coattails?!?! ” A prescient zzzzzzing, because she looked lost this week, and you can’t blame it all on the slop. Out of power, she just couldn’t rally. Minus 4 . Okay, it’s starting to just seem creepy. Go away now? Minus 4 . As soon as the veto competition was revealed to involve building something (a new Zingbot), you knew Porsche had no shot. Minus 9 for utter uselessness. Even more useless? Her attempts to talk game! Minus 8 . With Adam and Shelly also tanking, it came down to Dani and Jeff, and the big guy won it going away. Plus 3 for backing up his savviness with results. The true brilliance of Jeff is his ability to see – and play – all the angles. He took Porsche off the block and put up Dani while cementing his relationships with everyone BUT Dani and Kalia. Tough line to walk as HoH, but he did. Plus 10 . Can Dani get Adam, Shelly and Porsche to oust Kalia? She’ll need to do stay, and her back is up against the wall. Don’t count her out … yet. Wash . Tonight’s episode is a double elimination, meaning if Dani/Kalia wins HoH, they could put up Jeff and Jordan. If Rachel wins, Dani and Kalia might be going home by 10 p.m. If Porsche or Adam wins … LOL. Sorry, we tried. Plus 4 . EPISODE TOTAL: +13. SEASON TOTAL: +54. Who’s going home tonight on Big Brother?

Continued here:
Big Brother Recap: Don’t Let the Back Door Hit You on the Way Out

Glee Season Three Preview: Dodgeball!

Enough with the off-camera shenanigans. Who is coming? Who is staying? Which cast members are in danger this week? Glee fans just want their slushies and their songs back. Fortunately, Fox has released a new promo for season three and it focuses on the fun aspects of the show: Sue Sylvester with a dodgeball, Asian Mike protecting his girlfriend, Coach Beiste swatting the object away, Emma cleaning up the mess. It’s all in anticipation of the September 20 season premiere. Watch below and visit our friends at TV Fanatic for the latest Glee spoilers . Glee Promo: Dodgeball!

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Glee Season Three Preview: Dodgeball!

THG Spoiler Corner: What’s Next on The Vampire Diaries, Sons of Anarchy and More

A major transformation is coming to a character on The Vampire Diaries , while plans are already underway for a new season of Sons of Anarchy . Our friends at TV Fanatic have the latest scoops and spoilers on various small screen favorites. Just follow the links below… Sons of Anarchy spoilers : Viewers learned a key piece of information about Gemma and Clay on the season three finale. When will Jax discover the same? The Vampire Diaries spoilers : Life is about to change for Tyler. Find out how and why now. Supernatural spoilers : Death is coming to Supernatural. The character, that is. Perhaps the other meaning, too. Glee spoilers : Characters will be graduating in 2012, as the show continues to reshuffle its cast every season. Pretty Little Liars spoilers : This ABC Family hit will return with a kiss, a confession and a surprise.

Continued here:
THG Spoiler Corner: What’s Next on The Vampire Diaries, Sons of Anarchy and More

TV Spoilers and Scoops: A Look at What’s Ahead

It’s a busy time at The Hollywood Gossip. Point guards are cheating on Desperate Housewives. Princes are getting engaged. Our staff is busy delivering the most up-to-date celebrity gossip and news to our readers, leaving us with little time to watch television. But the same can’t be said of our friends at TV Fanatic. Below, we’ve posted links to their latest scoops and spoilers, while letting fans know what they can expect from their favorite shows… Bones spoilers : The good news? A proposal is on the way. The bad news? Viewers will need to wait until February to see who it involves. The Vampire Diaries spoilers : Before 2010 is over, we’ll learn that Tyler is not the only werewolf in town. Not even close. Glee spoilers : The Fox musical comedy is planning a big Christmas episode, and a REALLY big Super Bowl episode. Pretty Little Liars spoilers : This ABC Family drama returns on January 3. What else will we learn about A? True Blood spoilers : Season four doesn’t air until the summer, but new characters have already been cast.

The rest is here:
TV Spoilers and Scoops: A Look at What’s Ahead

Lea Michele Pushes for Justin Timberlake on Glee

In a new interview, Lea Michele proves she has a very sexy side and, also, very good taste in men. The actress rarely has a chance show off much of the former on Glee , as she portrays the straight-laced Rachel Berry. But she gets to be seductive and alluring in a shoot for celebrity hairdresser Mark Townsend’s official website. Michele is also asked who she’d like to see guest star on her hit Fox show and replied with an answer we share: “Justin Timberlake would be the perfect Glee guest star: He sings, he dances, and he’s hilarious.” Recent Glee spoilers hint that this may actually take place on the Super Bowl episode of the musical comedy. Commence fist-pumping, fans! GO BEHIND THE SCENE OF MICHELE’S SEXY SHOOT IN THE VIDEO BELOW. Lea Michele Shoot

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Lea Michele Pushes for Justin Timberlake on Glee