Tag Archives: golfing-legend

Arrests in Chi Chi Rodriguez Robbery Case

Filed under: Chi Chi Rodriguez , Celebrity Justice TMZ has learned multiple suspects have been arrested in the bold robbery of golfing legend Chi Chi Rodriguez .

Report: Elin Woods Has P.I. Tailing Tiger

Tiger Woods’ wife, Elin Nordgeren, may or may not be planning to divorce the golfing legend, but sources say she’s hired a P.I. to dig up everything on him.

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Report: Elin Woods Has P.I. Tailing Tiger

Mistress: Tiger Woods Only Got Married For PR

Disgraced golf god Tiger Woods told cougar mistress Theresa Rogers that he married Elin Nordegren only to boost his public image, according to reports. While this account comes from an unnamed friend of Rogers, do you dispute it?

Mistress: Tiger Woods Only Got Married For PR