Tag Archives: gorgeous-erin

Irate Erin Andrews Calls 911, Goes Off on Celebrity Gossip Photographers

When ESPN reporter Erin Andrews spotted “suspicious people” lurking around her Georgia home last week, she called 911 on them and did not hold back. Describing to the dispatcher just how she feels about her recent video scandal, her call for assistance soon turned into a frustrated, foul-mouthed rant

Excerpt from:
Irate Erin Andrews Calls 911, Goes Off on Celebrity Gossip Photographers

Erin Andrews Peephole Video Clip Aired By CBS

It comes as no surprise that Fox & Friends aired numerous still photos from the peephole video taken of Erin Andrews, naked, changing in her hotel room.

But CBS’ The Early Show showing several seconds of the video? Wow.

Sure, The Early Show blurred out Erin Andrews nude. But it marks the lowest of low points for a network that once boasted “the most trusted man in America,” the late Walter Cronkite, as the face of its news department.

Cronkite died the same weekend as the Andrews tape leaked. How fitting.

The endless fascination over a video filmed without Andrews’ consent – she is not an exhibitionist, just a reporter who does her job, and well – is a shame in that it sets female journalists back when she is just a victim in this.

Fox News aired pics from the Erin Andrews peephole video shot by a “creep voyeur.” This is to be expected from Fox News, of course. But CBS stooping that low?

Good to see that a shameless drive for ratings at the expense of the public or an innocent woman’s reputation can even happen at a real network. Nice.

Reporting the story is one thing, but to actually air portions of the video? Unless they are secretly giving viewers viruses, we completely disapprove.

ESPN is looking into reports that someone familiar with Andrews’ schedule did this at two different hotels. Whoever filmed the hotel video of Erin Andrews naked has since been trying to hawk the pics and tape to the highest bidder.

We can’t wait until the perv is brought to justice and we can report it here. Until then, click to enlarge clothed, but still gorgeous Erin Andrews pics:

Andrews PictureErin Andrews on the SidelineHottest Reporter Ever!ESPNHot Erin Andrews PicAn Erin Andrews PictureGorgeous Erin AndrewsAndrews PhotoE. Andrews

Erin Andrews Naked Video Filmed at Two Hotels?

A review of six video clips shot by the perv who secretly videotaped ESPN reporter Erin Andrews naked and walking around her hotel room may suggest that the perpetrator may be connected with her coverage of sports events.


  • Four of the hotel video clips were shot in the same place.
  • Two of the clips, meanwhile, were from a different hotel.
  • The furniture in the two rooms is different, and in hotel #1, the peephole used to film Andrews is round, while in hotel #2, the peephole is jagged.

The first set of videos show Erin Andrews nude, curling her hair and looking into a mirror. In the second set of clips, Erin is also naked, but she’s ironing.

Gorgeous Erin Andrews

An extremely upset Erin Andrews does not know where she was filmed and the person or persons shopping the pics and videos for profit is still at large.

But the videos raise the suspicion that it was an inside job by someone familiar with her schedule – and possibly even traveling on the road with the reporter.

Her lawyer and ESPN are hunting down the losers responsible for the invasion of privacy of a beautiful, talented woman who had no idea she was being taped.

We have seen a couple of clips and nude Erin Andrews pictures from the tape(s), but will not post them out of respect for Erin, who is the victim of a crime.

Now, if she wants to pose in Playboy someday, that would be different …