In the latest round of absurd, hilarious personal attacks exchanged between Jon and Kate Gosselin in the media, he and his new girlfriend have struck back. After Kate lamented on The View this week that Jon Gosselin brought Hailey Glassman to meet their eight kids, he tells E! News that it’s simply not true . “I’ve never brought Hailey to meet the kids ,” said Jon, who told GMA last week that he despises his ex-wife, “nor do I plan on doing that anytime soon.” Taking to her Twitter account, Hailey Glassman chimed in: “I was never at Jon and Katezilla’s house nor did I meet the children, And nor am I in a rush to.” She added: “When the truth finally comes out, the public owes Jon and I a HUGE apology, until then keep hating n being blinded, Bunch of Helen Keller’s.” We’re guessing that’s her way of saying celebrity gossip readers are just blinded by ..
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Jon Gosselin, Hailey Glassman Bash "Katezilla"