Tag Archives: great-religious

Do Scientologists Know it’s Christmas?

For those of you who’ve ever wondered if or how Xenu factors into the more conventional holiday season, along comes this dispatch from the Church of Scientology: “Scientology Founder L. Ron Hubbard honored the great religious leaders of the past for the wisdom they brought to the world, writing that Scientology shares ‘the goals set for Man by Christ, which are wisdom, good health and immortality.’ It is in this spirit that Scientologists celebrate the holiday season, whether Christmas, Hanukah [ sic ], Kwanzaa or any other religious or cultural tradition. In an annual tradition beginning in 1983 when Scientology Founder L. Ron Hubbard provided a 60-foot Christmas tree as a gift to the people of Hollywood, Winter Wonderland holiday village is erected each year on Hollywood Boulevard as a service to the community.” Annnnd now I can’t get “Frosty the Thetan” out of my head. [Press release]

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Do Scientologists Know it’s Christmas?