Tag Archives: guess-grandma

Kate Moss Breast Cancer Awareness Pic of the Day

Here’s a philosophical question – if Kate Moss pulls out her tit for a Breast Cancer campaign – where her nipple gets edited out and replaced with a breast cancer ribbon – does it make a sound… The answer is yes….yes it makes a fucking sound…the sound of my penis exploding because Kate Moss is amazing and her nipples are all over the fucking place and I don’t need nipples to get excited in pics of her because nipples are everywhere, breast cancer ribbons are the new nipples…Truth.

Kate Moss Breast Cancer Awareness Pic of the Day

Winona Ryder “Alleged” Tit Pic of the Day

This one is laughable. I mean Winona Ryder barely exists and probably is too old to really understand technology or take selfies, but I guess grandma’s everywhere are taking vagina pics now…I wouldn’t know, women die at 30 for me….but it’s not a complicated process…. This is so pixelated and distorted…and really could be anyone – but when I am emailed a tit and told it’s an actor from yesteryear, one of the American Classics, I mean Edward Scissor hands and every single movie in the 90s…25 years ago…I have no choice but to share …not that anyone reads this site, but if you did, you’d appreciate it.

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Winona Ryder “Alleged” Tit Pic of the Day