Tag Archives: hand-on-thigh

Hannah Ferguson Promoting Swimsuits of the Day

Hannah Ferguson is one of the Sports Illustrated models who doesn’t really matter, but who gets in a bikini, and we like bikinis…I hate these bikini shoots… The problem with Hannah Ferguson is that her only skill set is getting into a bikini, and for some reason people hire her based on that alone, but the fact is there are so many girls willing to do this for free – and they do do this for free…so why use this one who has been picked up by an agency and a magazine no one cares about…there’s no benefit to using her than the like thousands of other girls on Instagram with millions of followers who don’t have the ego, day rate, etc… If marketing people weren’t lazy and actually did their jobs, they would figure out that they could get 10 Hanna Ferguson’s for the price of Hannah Ferguson, they just won’t have a team behind them to make the contract insane…which is even better… The world has figured out that that there is no need for “bikini” models chosen by some archaic agency and some out of touch magazine but the brands are just fucking clueless… We got all kinds of girls in bikinis all day everyday…why is this one booking at least one job a year? It’s weird, but maybe SI makes their army of girls do free shoots for their advertisers…YOU never know… The post Hannah Ferguson Promoting Swimsuits of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

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Hannah Ferguson Promoting Swimsuits of the Day

Ashley Graham Tries to Had Her Fat, While Pretending to Own the Fat, While No One Likes being Fat of the Day

Ashley Graham and some other underserving cunts got the cover of VOGUE, because VOGUE wants the “it” people involved who are not actual models but are actual models like Gigi Hadid, Kendall Jenner because they pretend they are…and the people pander to them, because they are rich and that’s how the world works…coddle the already coddled…and the good news is that it won’t fix them….and eventually they’ll crack, too bad they arey younger, it will probably happen later in life…when I’ll be dead. Ashley Graham, the woman three times the size of all the other women, charging….at the cameraman because he’s holding a burger…now that shit’s crazy…The media loves fat people – to sell burgers, fries, and candy to… They want us on pharmaceuticals for diabetes, heart disease and high blood pressure….so celebrate fat girls…make fat acceptable…when everyone knows that it’s not acceptable, it’s disgusting…EVEN THEM… They want us lazy as fuck….to consume their bullshit and be too lazy to overthrow the government…But unfortunately, the fat girls they use are the ones with the loudest voices are the fucking worst…as they promote being “healthy Fat”…even though that doesn’t exist…and we all know they wish they weren’t fat…but are milking their fat…cuz it gets them on the cover of Vogue…and if you can make money in a lazy way with a lazy attitude cuz you’re lazy – proven by your fatness….you keep that lie going…. Garbage…but the funny thing is she’s doing fat girl posing tactics, like hand on thigh, to look like she’s less offensively fat…because VOGUE doesn’t like fat people no matter how hard they pretend… The post Ashley Graham Tries to Had Her Fat, While Pretending to Own the Fat, While No One Likes being Fat of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

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Ashley Graham Tries to Had Her Fat, While Pretending to Own the Fat, While No One Likes being Fat of the Day

Ashley Graham Tries to Had Her Fat, While Pretending to Own the Fat, While No One Likes being Fat of the Day

Ashley Graham and some other underserving cunts got the cover of VOGUE, because VOGUE wants the “it” people involved who are not actual models but are actual models like Gigi Hadid, Kendall Jenner because they pretend they are…and the people pander to them, because they are rich and that’s how the world works…coddle the already coddled…and the good news is that it won’t fix them….and eventually they’ll crack, too bad they arey younger, it will probably happen later in life…when I’ll be dead. Ashley Graham, the woman three times the size of all the other women, charging….at the cameraman because he’s holding a burger…now that shit’s crazy…The media loves fat people – to sell burgers, fries, and candy to… They want us on pharmaceuticals for diabetes, heart disease and high blood pressure….so celebrate fat girls…make fat acceptable…when everyone knows that it’s not acceptable, it’s disgusting…EVEN THEM… They want us lazy as fuck….to consume their bullshit and be too lazy to overthrow the government…But unfortunately, the fat girls they use are the ones with the loudest voices are the fucking worst…as they promote being “healthy Fat”…even though that doesn’t exist…and we all know they wish they weren’t fat…but are milking their fat…cuz it gets them on the cover of Vogue…and if you can make money in a lazy way with a lazy attitude cuz you’re lazy – proven by your fatness….you keep that lie going…. Garbage…but the funny thing is she’s doing fat girl posing tactics, like hand on thigh, to look like she’s less offensively fat…because VOGUE doesn’t like fat people no matter how hard they pretend… The post Ashley Graham Tries to Had Her Fat, While Pretending to Own the Fat, While No One Likes being Fat of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

Ashley Graham Tries to Had Her Fat, While Pretending to Own the Fat, While No One Likes being Fat of the Day