Casey Kasem may be dead. But the controversy surrounding the life of this iconic DJ refuses to go away. Casey Kasem Remains Unburied Following a long battle with Parkinson’s Disease and dementia, Kasem died at the age of 82 on June 15. But a month later, TMZ insiders confirm that Kasem’s body has not yet been buried. In fact… it’s missing. All fingers point to Kasem’s widow, Jean, who clashed with her step-children for months over her refusal to let them spent time with their ailing dad. Family sources allege Jean snagged Casey’s body from a funeral home the day before a judge ordered her to keep it there so an autopsy could be performed. Why might she have done this? Because the autopsy could be vital in an ongoing criminal investigation targeting Jean, as Santa Monica police examine claims of abuse against her, specifically that Jean took Casey on a crazy , week-long multi-state car ride in May that caused him to develop bed sores. They got infected and this may have contributed to his passing. Casey’s daughter, Kerri, believes Jean took her father’s body out of the country. But it remains a very sad mystery at the moment.
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Casey Kasem Corpse: Where Is It?