Tag Archives: happens-every

Adriana Lima Naked for the 2016 Pirelli Calendar of the Day

THe Pirelli Calendar is a big deal, it happens every year, and promote tires better than any other tire ad I can think of, especailly since it doesn’t have tires in the ad, but rather named top fashion models, naked, because it is European and that’s what they do… I haven’t seen all the pics, or really any of the pics yet…but I figure I’ll put up the one that I did see as a placeholder… It’s old, but still living, Adriana Lima and her bolt on fake tits that look like she’s a gutter porn chick, rather than one of the most celebrated and beautiful models of the late 90s / early 2000s, reminding us, this thanksgiving, to give thanks for what you have when you have it, as it can all go to shit…and when it does..if you’re lucky enough to have tits…you can use them to get you out of it… GOOD TIMES> . Come back for the rest of the pics.. The post Adriana Lima Naked for the 2016 Pirelli Calendar of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

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Adriana Lima Naked for the 2016 Pirelli Calendar of the Day

Anastasia Ashley Sweater Porn for Esquire of the Day

Anastasia Ashley is the fucking worst…but I love her. She’s also a surfer, who is definitely not surfing the big wave I want her to be surfing, the one above my dick that happens every time I move or slap my fat as fuck belly, after being bloated from drinking and diabetes, because I am disgusting… I guess when she’s not surfing, she is in Esquire modelling sweaters, not quite as erotic, on all fours, topless, or while shoving said sweaters inside her to keep her empty womb full and warm….but I guess that would be a different kind of Sweater fetish shoot, it would be actual sweater porn, and that wouldn’t be too next level for a corporate and sterile men’s fashion and lifestyle magazine… But I guess her pantsless in sweaters is still a hot enough concept, even though it could be a hot as fuck concept…next time they need to step it up….

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Anastasia Ashley Sweater Porn for Esquire of the Day

Anastasia Ashley Sweater Porn for Esquire of the Day

Anastasia Ashley is the fucking worst…but I love her. She’s also a surfer, who is definitely not surfing the big wave I want her to be surfing, the one above my dick that happens every time I move or slap my fat as fuck belly, after being bloated from drinking and diabetes, because I am disgusting… I guess when she’s not surfing, she is in Esquire modelling sweaters, not quite as erotic, on all fours, topless, or while shoving said sweaters inside her to keep her empty womb full and warm….but I guess that would be a different kind of Sweater fetish shoot, it would be actual sweater porn, and that wouldn’t be too next level for a corporate and sterile men’s fashion and lifestyle magazine… But I guess her pantsless in sweaters is still a hot enough concept, even though it could be a hot as fuck concept…next time they need to step it up….

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Anastasia Ashley Sweater Porn for Esquire of the Day

Chris Brown Wants To Go Back ‘Home’ On New Track

Breezy wishes for the simpler days on new song and video, which is packed with Carpe Diem Tour footage. By Maurice Bobb Chris Brown in his “Home” video Photo: Riveting Entertainment

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Chris Brown Wants To Go Back ‘Home’ On New Track

Rick Ross Shooting ‘Nothing New’ To Meek Mill

‘Seeing one of your close friends in a position like that, it happens every day,’ Mill tells MTV News about January shooting incident. By Rob Markman Meek Mill Photo: MTV News

Originally posted here:
Rick Ross Shooting ‘Nothing New’ To Meek Mill

Lady Gaga is Naked in her Hotel Room of the Day

The people at Starzuncut emailed me this horribly depressing picture of Lady Gaga that they claimed was her naked, and as someone who normally hates gore, or disgusting things, I felt compelled to see what it was, only to be a victim of false marketing, because she is wearing underwear, in one of the rare occassions I am happy a bitch is in underwear, which is not all that rare, since it happens every night I crawl in bed with my fat wife….I thank god she’s under fucking wraps…not that I have anything against Lady Gaga genitals, I’ve grabbed her ass and it was decent, I just hate everything they represent…

Go here to see the original:
Lady Gaga is Naked in her Hotel Room of the Day

Dolphin killing in Denmark

“This happens every year in Feroe Island in Denmark . In this slaughter the main participants are young teens. WHY? A celebration, to show that they are adults and mature!” I just heard about this. It's absolutely terrible. http://blog.tsemtulku.com/tsem-tulku-rinpoche/2010/07/dolphin-killing-in-denmark… http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5_B9vvbYH0g added by: insaintity

USEPA Upgrades SO2 Air Standard For First Time In 40 Years – Asthmatics Have Much To Gain

” Figure A shows the location of the lungs and airways in the body. Figure B shows a cross-section of a normal airway. Figure C shows a cross-section of an airway during asthma symptoms. ” Caption & Image credit: National Heart Lung & Blood Institute Look past the oil globs and political waffling for a minute and you’ll find good news lurking. USEPA has upgraded the an outdated SO2 standard, which involved long term (daily) average concentration limits, to a short-term standard that better protects asthmatics, for example. By early 2013 expect enfor… Read the full story on TreeHugger

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USEPA Upgrades SO2 Air Standard For First Time In 40 Years – Asthmatics Have Much To Gain

Gulf Spill Just A Drop In The Bucket Compared To What Happens Every Day, Everywhere Else

AFP John Vidal of the Guardian writes of an oil spill in Nigeria a few years ago, touring the disaster: Forest and farmland were now covered in a sheen of greasy oil. Drinking wells were polluted and people were distraught. No one knew how much oil had leaked. “We lost our nets, huts and fishing pots,” said Chief Promise, village leader of Otuegwe and our guide. “This is where we fished and farmed. We have lost our forest. We told Shell of the spill… Read the full story on TreeHugger

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Gulf Spill Just A Drop In The Bucket Compared To What Happens Every Day, Everywhere Else

Indications of Infidelity According to Experts

In most instances, Hollywood personalities attract people’s attention wherever they may be. For some of them, Hollywood is like the center of the universe not only for famous individuals but also for infidelity allegations. This scenario does not only happen in Hollywood, but in reality, even the normal individuals all over the world. However, experts say there are means to sense out infidelity and, later if it’s found to be true, how to manage it in the most effective way. According to Bethany Marshall, a therapist, there are possible clues when a partner may be having an affair. Here is a list of clues:  Permeating pattern of selfishness. Does your partner worry about self satisfaction?  Excessive secretiveness. Does your partner delete text messages from his phone or even screen calls?  Sudden concern in one’s physical appearance. Does your partner suddenly goes to the gym and work out to lose weight?  Restored interest in sex or even trying some different sexual practices which are way far from the usual. One of the Hollywood actresses, Isabel Gillies, who is also an author of a book on infidelity entitled “Happens Every Day”, said that she had no idea when she was being cheated on. People around you are surprised that you don’t know a thing about it. Some people would answer “no”, when asked with this question “Do you think that your partner would cheat on you?” This is indeed an upsetting reality and it’s important to look at both sides of the story and try to view the other person as a whole. If infidelity is present, Marshall said the next step to do is determine what kind of problem the relationship is in. There are there types of problems. First, there’s the one-time stupendous mistake done by the otherwise known good guy. Second, there’s a guy who can’t manage marital stress. Lastly, there’s a guy who always wants narcissistic satisfaction. According to Marshall, marriage can survive infidelity; however, a few things must be done first for it to be fixed.  Offending party has to be sorry. The offender has to be willing to fix the damage by showing a feeling of deep regret.  Confessed the affair and reasons why it happened. The offender must articulate it in order to repair the damage.  The offender must make a plan to resolve the problem. In doing these things, both parties are required to participate to fix the relationship. Indications of Infidelity According to Experts is a post from: Daily World Buzz Continue reading