Last fall Amy Winehouse got breast implants as a distraction to what must have been a drug overdose. It was one of those those hopsitalized for actually dying on their bathroom floor for 8 minutes before paramedics revived her and her people had to come up with a reason for the hospitalization so they went with implants, since implants are socially acceptable, and since her people thought she should stack the fuck up since Amy Winehouse had lost her natural big tits to addiction and malnourishment thanks to drugs, and in trying to spin this into something realistic and not damaging to her image that I think is already so damaged they nickname it Haiti, they actually had to follow through and get her fake tits, and here are the pictures of the commitment she has to her cause….. And here are her jacked up tits in a different outfit, because despite having the most rancid pussy around, bitch is still a bitch and likes to change her clothes sometimes, but don’t let that fool you into thinking she is hygienic and doesn’t smell, cuz she worked so hard at giving up on herself that I’m sure she wouldn’t want us to think she’s cleanin’ up…and I’d still love to rub her crust all over me genitals…. Pics via Fame
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Amy Winehouse and Her Stupid Fake Tits of the Day