Tag Archives: hate-the-geldof

Lauryn Eagle Boxer Body for Maxim of the Day

Lauryn Eagle could kick your ass. She’s a pro boxer out of Australia…. She was also on Celebrity Apprentice Australia….which pretty much means she’s a useless bottom feeding cunt trying every angle to be famous, recognized or known, no matter how weak, humiliating and disgusting it might be, except she hasn’t done a sex tape yet, cuz she’s probably just celebrating this MAXIM win, it’s a big deal to girls who put weight on these kinds of things…cuz they think it takes them to the next level in exposure….but when it all blows over….she’ll turn to porn…cuz she’s a fighter and fighters never quit unless they are killed in the process…possibly with dick in leaked video hoping for real fame…but that kind of killing is more into killing her soul and her dignity and not actually herself…which is way hotter than eating a bunch of pills or putting guns in mouths and pulling the trigger… [Gallery]

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Lauryn Eagle Boxer Body for Maxim of the Day

Candice Swanepoel in Lingerie cuz that’s what She Does of the Day

Sometimes I wonder how many Candice Swanepoel posts I can do in a year before the site turns into a Candicee Swanepoel fan site, because I hate to admit, I am a fan….but not for any real reason other than the fact that she gets half naked, she isn’t fat, and she’s got a good face….I mean that’s the extent of what I know about her…I’m not a weirdo who tries to get her at her core and really understand what brought her from AIDS ridden South Africa to America, but I will assume it was blood diamonds, or something even more horrible and corrupt….Victoria’s Secret…. That said, here are some pics of her in lingerie, cuz that’s her job, and a big reason why we like her, and the only reason we know she exists…

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Candice Swanepoel in Lingerie cuz that’s what She Does of the Day

Pixie Geldof Topless in Ibizia of the Day

I don’t hate the Geldof sisters as much as I used to…mainly because I just don’t care to hate anything…it takes too much work… They are just harmless rich girls doing their thing and the UK media happens to love following them around….because the UK Media are passionate about their celebrities and their daughters….so passionate that they were paid to kill Princess Diana by the Royal Family…… I don’t find them hot…or deserving of any modeling campaigns they land just because their dad is Bob Geldoff and their mom killed herself in 2000 on her fucking birthday…. If anything I find it obnoxious and taking opportunity away from actual hot girls who need the money and exposure, cuz they don’t have a ridiculous trust fund to finance a ridiculous life like these Geldoff girls…. But I do appreciate any bitch topless on a beach in Europe, even if tits are just tits, and not worth celebrating, especially these fucking tits that need a bit of work, but even if tits are just tits, I still like em…. TO SEE THE REST OF THE PICS FOLLOW THIS LINK

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Pixie Geldof Topless in Ibizia of the Day