Tag Archives: healthy-choice

RIP Motherfucker the Hannah Montana Edition of the Day

With last night’s sad news of James Gandolfini dying, an actor, who I actually liked watching, I figured I’d do another death post, because for some reason people love celebrity death, especially the news media, because it allows us to focus on what is really important in the world, rather than those boring political objectives that just fill up the public’s mind with ideas of anarchy, which the government doesn’t fucking want…. So today’s Celebrity Death to tweet about is Hannah Montana…and what better way to celebrate the life of Hannah Montana than with some GIFs of the Miley Cyrus from her new video everyone has a boner for…cuz Disney Starlets worth millions can’t be exhibitionist sluts, it just goes against all Disney represents to the public, because none of us see the child molestation that happens behind closed doors, that make a girl broke enough to crave this kid of male attention…male attention I love giving… Here are the We Can’t Stop GIFS of the Day

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RIP Motherfucker the Hannah Montana Edition of the Day

Jenny McCarthy for Carl’s JR of the Day

Jenny McCarthy is whoring out her big fake tits to promote some Carl’s Jr healthy choice, that is probably not healthy at all, because it is a fast food chain that is behind so many heart attacks, and I am pretty sure this Salad, despite seeming healthy, is probably thousands of calories of GMOed food… I like that dude says “We’ve been a fan of Jenny’s since the 90s”…which is coincidentally the last time she was relevant…and not 100 fucking years old… Seeing her trying to have sex with a salad like it was a cock and she was looking for more autistic semen…is interesting…but She irritates me when she does her funny, male accessible, clowning shit, like the kind of girl who burps and farts, and is loud and annoying, but has sex appeal when gagged and tied up in the basement on sedatives….like she’s always been, because I don’t mind her big stupid fake tits, even 2 decades later, cuz I’m easy like that and apparently Jenny McCarthy will do anything, if you tell her you want her to pretend she’s still a hot Playboy sex symbol…I feel like she didn’t even get paid for this…it was just “you think I still got it, let me in”…or maybe her people contacted their people and begged for this…either way, it happened!

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Jenny McCarthy for Carl’s JR of the Day

Salt Industry Pushes Back Against Controls and Limits

Salt in a so-called “healthy choice” meal; New York Times graphic Nobody is going to argue with the fact that salt makes food taste better; One reason fast food tastes so good is that yummy combo of too much fat and salt. Everyone from Michelle Obama to Michael Bloomberg are trying to get us to eat less of it, so the salt industry is pushing back, hard. According to Michael Moss in the New York Times , they are using a strategy of “delay and divert” because “they crave salt a… Read the full story on TreeHugger

Salt Industry Pushes Back Against Controls and Limits