Tag Archives: heating-bills

Draw Mohammed day 2010: Mo’s A-Plenty

I like how the song starts out all folksy and ends big band rockin style. A lot of talent out there expressed in many ways. One thought occurred to me during the compilation: What if Mohammad were Jesus coming back with a modified message from God? Then you have the enigma of Mo really being Jesus who is really God who is really all of us… i think i ate too many percocet. added by: onemalefla

Straw (and Hemp) House Survives the Test of Hurricane-force Winds

Prefab wood panels filled with the straw bales formed the frame of the house. Called Modcell, it's a wall and roof cladding system that uses straw bale and hemp. The walls are about a foot and a half thick. The team discovered that the heating bills were 80% lower than for houses made of bricks due to the high insulating properties of the panels. Construction had a much lower carbon footprint because of the ease of transport. http://www.treehugger.com/files/2010/05/straw-house-built.php added by: JackHerer