Did you think that the conversation between Jon Stewart and Bill O’Reilly lacked “zazz”? For all the expectation of two of the heavyweights of opinion media world — ostensibly presenting differing ideological points of view — the jovial exchange lacked any real body blows to declare a “winner.” Well, thanks to the folks at Fox News, the entire unedited version of the interview is available, and it turns out that much of the un-aired portion includedthe most pointed commentary by Mr. Stewart, which we’ve summed up below. The edited version that aired on last night’s program, came out to just under 12 minutes of actual interview time (interrupted by a commercial break.) The unedited interview (embedded at link in two parts) rounded up to over 19 minutes. So what was cut out? Some of the most interesting parts to the interview, namely Stewart’s mocking of O’Reilly’s “folksiness” and blue collar perspective. More importantly, a fascinating back and forth over the Tea Party movement that Factor producers decided to leave on the cutting room floor. Unedited Interview @ link This isn't the first time Bill O'Reilly has heavily edited Jon Stewart's interview. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xobA2MoDzDY http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZLMQ2TIpfWk http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hzSxMdAxmC8 added by: Future_America