Tag Archives: helping-find

Obama: My Presidency Is Not Over – I’ve Got Another 5 Years (Hurl Alert)


See the article here:

President Obama appeared on the Los Angeles-based “Piolin Por La Mañana” Show on Univision Radio hosted by Eddie “Piolin” Sotelo on Wednesday. During the interview Barack made a bold prediction about his re-election, vowing that his presidency was not over … Continue reading → Broadcasting platform : YouTube Source : Gateway Pundit Discovery Date : 23/02/2012 18:04 Number of articles : 2

Obama: My Presidency Is Not Over – I’ve Got Another 5 Years (Hurl Alert)

Restore our Future ad lauding Romney similar to ad from 2008 campaign


Here is the original post:

(CNN) – The independent organization supporting Mitt Romney’s presidential campaign released an ad Thursday detailing the candidate’s role in helping find the lost daughter of a former colleague. Restore our Future, a super PAC that has spent millions boosting Romney’s candidacy, said the ad would run statewide in Arizona and Michigan ahead of the states’ Broadcasting platform : YouTube Source : Political Ticker Discovery Date : 23/02/2012 19:49 Number of articles : 2

Restore our Future ad lauding Romney similar to ad from 2008 campaign