The reason I know this is seriously staged is not because Tila Tequila is on her last legs and trying to get as much attention as possible and it’s not because she’s posing in each shot, like an eager attention whore just wanting to get noticed, but because I’ve been kicked out of many stripclubs over the years for just having my fucking cellphone on the table, since stripclubs like to keep shit private, in case one of the dancers is a fucking mom of 3 who is active in her community and kid’s school…..I also know that they lit this stripclub with studio lights and didn’t even try to make shit look discreet. The end is near for her, this is pathetic, desperate, boring, unoriginal and uninteresting… there’s nothing hot about her and her 4 foot 11 frame rolling around in money that she’s soon gonna have none of….notice that it’s all “Singles”, bitch coulda at least busted out a couple of 10s or 20s….now collectively pray that she gets put out of her misery….I don’t know about you, but I’m eager for her to officially let fame kill her like she was a child star and not an internet star….Seriously, so ready for bitch to suicide….Her internet fame has gone to far, the only thing she offers society is that she’s a stain on the shit…. As someone who spent the better part of a decade in a stripclub, these pictures are nothing but a fucking joke. I shouldn’t be feeding into this crap. I just have nothing better to do and part of me loves to take advantage of girls who want fame so bad they are willing to do “ANYTHING” for it…but TIla Tequila is so vile that she makes that an ugly thing….and that pisses me off… Pics via Bauer

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Tila Tequila Staged Stripclub Pictures of the Day
Posted in Celebrities, Gossip, Hot Stuff, Sex
Tagged celeb news, eager-attention, her-community, Hollywood, much-attention, nothing-better, offers-society, officially-let, over-the-years, Pictures, stripclub, take-advantage, these-pictures, tila tequila