Tag Archives: her-relatives

Kelly Soo Park picture(Juliana Redding Murder)

According to authorities, the murder suspect – 44-year-old Kelly Soo Park – was paid $250,000 three weeks before the slaying and had another $113,000 wired to her relatives through a South Korean bank a few days before her arrest, The Los Angeles Times reports. Then last week came a break, with a twist: Police arrested a Camarillo, Calif., woman in the murder. Authorities have not officially said what happened, but there are hints that the murder may have been linked to her father#39;s business

Kelly Soo Park picture(Juliana Redding Murder)

Rihanna’s Bullshit Outfits Get Boring of the Day

I don’t know if I am down with the historical and cultural inaccuracy of these Rihanna pictures. You see, she’s just a poor girl from Barbados who is supposed to be wearing a hand me down dress made by her aunt out of soiled bed sheets she pulled out of the resort’s garbage and not ridiculous high fashion that costs more than her relatives make in a fucking year and the whole thing is pretty disgusting to me

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Rihanna’s Bullshit Outfits Get Boring of the Day