Tag Archives: her-trademarks

Taylor Swift’s Mound of the Day

Taylor Swift wears 1950s style bathing suits, it’s one of her trademarks, she even sings about them, because she’s a self involved narcissistic cunt that was created by you, every last one of you, who buys into her bullshit….even though SHE WORE A BIKINI THE OTHER DAY The nice thing about one-piece bathing suits, is not that they may make asses look fucking weird, It’s that when you’re long torso like Taylor Swift, shit jacks up in your pussy so hard, you’re forced to show the world your massive pubic bone mound, something that is erotic to some of us who like cumming on skinny girl mound…but scary to others who see nothing but a mini muff gut… Either way, you can see it from a distance…and I guess these are the trials and tribulations of being skinny…and this whole thing has been fascinating enough for me to want to kill myself. TO SEE THE REST OF THE PICS CLICK HERE

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Taylor Swift’s Mound of the Day

Jennifer Garner, Terrence Malick and Wal-Mart Collide in Oklahoma

So today at the notorious blog People of Wal-Mart, a conversation got underway about whether or not that was really Jennifer Garner photographed shopping at a Wal-Mart in Broken Arrow, Oklahoma. All evidence points to “yes” — her trademarks dimples, her daughter Violet… oh, and that movie her husband happens to the planning in the area with Terrence Malick. Click through for the full image and more weirdness.

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Jennifer Garner, Terrence Malick and Wal-Mart Collide in Oklahoma