Tag Archives: hits-the-fan

Gramps & His Lady Need To Quit All This Daggering Right In Front Of The Kids! [Video]

They going real hard…

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Gramps & His Lady Need To Quit All This Daggering Right In Front Of The Kids! [Video]

What’s Beef? Real Housewives Of Atlanta Sneak Peek Of Nene Versus Porsha!! [Video]

Tonight on #RHOA, the mess hits the fan when Sheree decides to light a wick for some beef between Nene and Porsha. Porsha also spoke about Kenya marriage and her friendship with Kandi on the next pages…

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What’s Beef? Real Housewives Of Atlanta Sneak Peek Of Nene Versus Porsha!! [Video]

Will Three Stooges XXX Finally Land Porn Parodies in Supreme Court?

Forget about healthcare : The Supreme Court may yet face the defining constitutional issue of our day if one producer has his way. “You claim on behalf of your client, Will Ryder Productions, that the low-budget, clearly pornographic, film your client intends to sell by infringing upon The Three Stooges® Brand is protected by the First Amendment to the U.S. Constitution as ‘parody,'” writes Robert Benjamin, the co-producer of the PG-rated Three Stooges currently in theaters, to the lawyer representing the geniuses behind Not the Three Stooges XXX . “Such a claim of parody has no merit.” And there’s related Stooges case history (PDF file)! Clear the docket! [ TMZ ]

Go here to read the rest:
Will Three Stooges XXX Finally Land Porn Parodies in Supreme Court?

WATCH: Prometheus Viral Wishes Happy Birthday To Michael Fassbender-Robot

The Prometheus campaign’s Guy Pearce TED Talk from the future was pretty clever, but there’s an uncanny brilliance to this new viral spot that focuses on Michael Fassbender ‘s android character, David. In a fictional ad for Weyland Corp., “David” outlines the advanced features and tech that make him a perfect robot — able to assimilate into the human work force, think on his own, and even cry. But something tells me all will not turn out to be muted pastels and obedience and robot smiles once the space poop hits the fan… Fassbender’s ability to play just a shade on the wrong side of human is wonderfully jarring, but the sight of him “emoting” with those two tears rolling down his pre-fab cheeks is the single best thing I’ve seen in a while. Chilling! Intriguing. And yet it doesn’t seem to give away too much about the still-mysterious Prometheus . What do you make of the viral spot and what it tells us about David? Prometheus is in theaters June 8. [via Joblo ]

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WATCH: Prometheus Viral Wishes Happy Birthday To Michael Fassbender-Robot

Chuck’s "American Hero" Isn’t a Sandwich

The Shaw hits the fan this week as as Agent Bartowski risks all for Sarah’s spy suitor.

See the article here:
Chuck’s "American Hero" Isn’t a Sandwich