Say what you will about Kylie Jenner – the girl knows her strengths. She didn’t get to 45 million Instagram followers by not giving the people what they want. And what do they want? Kylie’s butt in mom jeans, apparently. Yes, we know you’ve seen Kylie’s butt before, and this is pretty tame compared to…well, just about everything else on her IG page, but in a way she’s taking her selfie game in a whole new direction with these pics. Think about it: When was the last time you saw Kylie in just a regular pair of blue jeans? Levi’s, no less? Of course, like so much of what Kylie does, she’s taking a page from her big sister’s book here. Kim Kardashian was doing the mom jean thing back when we all would’ve though Instagram was a service that delivers elderly women to your house. Of course, Kylie can compete with Kim in terms of popularity and marketability all she wants, but if she wants to engage the woman in a battle of the butts, she’s badly outmatched. Kylie’s backside has its attributes, don’t get us wrong, but she’s far from ready to take on the world’s most famous weapon of ass destruction. View Slideshow: 69 Wildly Inappropriate Photos of Kylie Jenner
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Kylie Jenner: Look at My Butt in Jeans!