It’s been a tough week for Miley Cyrus. First, she watched as Nicki Minaj knocked her from the VEVO record books, with “Anaconda” racking up more views in 24 hours than Miley’s video for “Wrecking Ball.” Next, she sat back and watched as the media uncovered a lot of dirt on her homeless friend, Jesse Helt , such pending warrants for his arrest. Now, some elementary school student named Sean Coyle has released his cover of “Wrecking Ball,” one that uses only a recorder and which may just be better than Miley’s original. Listen and decide for yourself: Wrecking Ball: Covered with a Recorder At the very least, we’re impressed that Coyle can play more than just “Hot Cross Buns” on this musical instrument. What do you think of his take on “Wrecking Ball?” Let’s just hope the young man only keeps to recording covers and doesn’t start to dance like Miley as well. Miley Cyrus 2013 VMA Performance: Photos and GIFs! 1. Attack of the Foam Finger! Our lives were never the same after seeing Miley Cyrus do this at the 2013 Video Music Awards.
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Boy Covers “Wrecking Ball” with Recorder for Some Reason: Listen Now!