Tag Archives: horrific-ordeal

29 Disney Easter Eggs: Spot the Hidden Gems in Your Favorite Films?

Gamers, TV viewers and Disney fans alike know the term “Easter egg” refers to way more than just decorated eggs hidden and found each Spring. Instead, these particular treats exist solely for eagle-eyed fans who catch them, and for the creative minds who put them in there for you to discover. Those little, blink-and-you-miss-it gems hidden in movies, shows and games, Easter eggs aren’t central to the final product, but they sure do improve it. No one is tucks these secrets away quite as brilliantly as the Imagineers at Disney and Pixar. In fact, there isn’t a single Pixar film  without Easter eggs. Check out our gallery of 29 hidden Disney Easter eggs below, and tell us: Did you know about any or all of these, and did we miss any in compiling this list? 29 Disney Easter Eggs 1. Frozen / Tangled Flynn Rider (Eugene) and Rapunzel are guests at Queen Elsa’s coronation! Toy Story , by a mile, has the most, both in its frames and by its characters making cameos in other films. From Up to Finding Nemo , the Toy Story toys have grand adventures. Also, Pizza Planet has some of the best and most reliable pizza delivery ever. It’s uncanny. Pizza Hut and Domino’s should take notes! If you’re watching a Disney film and you think you see a character from  another  Disney film, there’s a good chance you’re seeing what you think you’re seeing. You’re free to go frame by frame through your favorite animated classics, but we’ve done some of the digging for you. And we’re glad we did.

See the original post here:
29 Disney Easter Eggs: Spot the Hidden Gems in Your Favorite Films?

Tracy Morgan Out of Hospital, Headed to Rehab

Nearly two weeks after the car crash that put Tracy Morgan in critical condition , the actor/comedian was released from Robert Wood Johnson University Hospital today. Morgan will now be admitted to an undisclosed rehab facility where he will work to repair damage caused by his injuries which include a broken femur. At one point, it was rumored that the injuries were so severe that Morgan’s leg would be amputated . While that thankfully turned out not to be true, the June 7 wreck on the New Jersey Turnpike did result in the death of Morgan’s close friend James McNair, as well as in vehicular manslaughter charges for truck driver Kevin Roper , who police now believer was speeding through a construction zone at the time of the accident. There is no word on how long Morgan will need to be in rehab, but his rep stated that the comic still has “a long way to go.” Morgan was scheduled to begin filming a series for the FX network prior to the crash. Producers have assured Tracy and his team that his job will be waiting for him whenever he is fully recovered.  We wish Morgan a speedy recovery and hope that he’s managed to maintain his unique sense of humor intact throughout this horrific ordeal: 11 Uproarious Tracy Jordan Quotes 1. Tracy on intelligence: “You’re even dumber than I look!”

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Tracy Morgan Out of Hospital, Headed to Rehab