Tag Archives: hosting-pool

Genevieve Morton Hosts Vegas Pool Parties of the Day

Genevieve Morton is some fat Sports Illustrated model people get mad at me for calling fat…even though she is fat…I mean even she knows she’s fat…otherwise she’d wear a two piece and her gut that’s hanging out wouldn’t be there…. She reminds me of Miss Piggy. A South African Miss Piggy, who like all other White South African’s is really nice to black people. You know, the kind of girl raised with good morals and values when it comes to slavery… She’s on some “Get famous now or never” kick and she’s done one or two campaigns, which is more than she’s ever done before. She’s hosting pool parties in vegas and she looks like sloppy shit doing it…but people seem to like her massive tits, without realizing she’s got a massive everything else… She’s the worst. TO SEE THE OTHER PICS FROM THE EVENT CLICK HERE

Genevieve Morton Hosts Vegas Pool Parties of the Day