Tag Archives: house-the-other

Take A Trip Down Jemima Kirke's Topless Memory Lane

It’s not even Thursday and already Jemima Kirke is taking us on a trip down memory lane, back to when she was 19 and topless on a beach. Normally I skip looking at other people’s vacation photos, but when they involve a topless beach and Jemima Kirke, I’m more than happy to share in the memory. … read more

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Take A Trip Down Jemima Kirke's Topless Memory Lane

OH, CANADA! Trudeaus w/o Clothes!

Mr. and Mrs. Sleuth were walking past the White House the other day—the D.C. version of ‘A Guy Walks into a Bar’ {except ours is no joke…and actually happened}. Surrounded by Canadian flags flying around the grounds, they realized that ‘The Sexiest Politician in the World’ had just hit town for a state dinner!… read more

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OH, CANADA! Trudeaus w/o Clothes!

LaLa Anthony: Cheating on Carmelo Anthony With Random Rapper?

In the five years since LaLa and Carmelo Anthony got married , they’ve developed a reputation as the rare celebrity couple that’s not constantly plagued by divorce rumors. Unfortunately, that all changed this week when multiple sources reported that LaLa has recently been getting awfully friendly with a rapper named Maino. The most reliable of these sources is none other than Maino’s baby mama, who called LaLa out in brutal fashion on Instagram yesterday: “Does your husband know that your hoe ass has been f–king my daughter’s father?” anIG user with the handle iluvpatricele wrote on LaLa’s page. “You slept over his house the other night after the movies. A man that is with me and his family every damn night. How does it feel to be the slut responsible for his daughter never waking up to her father ever again! “You can keep the clown cause we don’t want the bum n—a no more. All yours hoe.” Like we said, harsh words. But is LaLa really cheating on Melo with Maino?  There’s very little in the way of hard evidence, but it’s worth noting that this is not the first time that LaLa has been accused of infidelity. In 2013, Anthony was suspended by the NBA after physically Kevin Garnett for allegedly taunting him about LaLa’s cheating. The altercation stands out in the minds of many basketball fans, as it reportedly started with Garnett’s claim that LaLa “tastes like Honey Nut Cheerios.” So is LaLa really part of some other dude’s complete breakfast or is she saving all her honey for Melo? We get the feeling the truth will come out soon enough. View Slideshow: 25 Celebrities Who Are Known Cheaters

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LaLa Anthony: Cheating on Carmelo Anthony With Random Rapper?



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From the diaries. Dear Mister President: I stopped by your house the other day because I wanted to talk with you about what’s happened since we last met. I vividly remember the day you passed through my neighborhood during your 2008 campaign for President. I looked you in the eye and asked how your tax plan would affect a business I was going to buy. Ultimately, after describing a complicated tax… Broadcasting platform : YouTube Source : Red State Discovery Date : 02/05/2012 16:31 Number of articles : 2


EXCLUSIVE!!! Deion Sanders Talks To The Rickey Smiley Morning Show

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  This morning on the Rickey Smiley Morning Show, Hall of Famer Prime Time Deion Sanders talks about the divorce with Pilar, the fight that happened in the house the other night, what really happeneded with their marriage and much more!!

EXCLUSIVE!!! Deion Sanders Talks To The Rickey Smiley Morning Show