Happy news for fans of the Royal Family and of Suits alike: Meghan Markle is pregnant , for real. But there is less happy news for the Duchess’ fans who live in the United States, because she and Prince Harry are delaying their visit. The delay is because of her pregnancy. It will be worth the wait, however. TMZ reports that Meghan’s royal pregnancy is putting the couple’s plans to visit their fans across the pond on hold. As you may remember, the two of them were originally planning to visit America in the spring of 2019. Spring starts about five months from now. Well, Meghan Markle’s due date has been vaguely announced as being some time in the spring of 2019. She’ll want to avoid flying immediately before, during, and after giving birth — for medical reasons but also for social reasons. She may be the first American “princess,” but actually giving birth stateside might be a little much for the British public. Meghan and Harry’s visit to the U.S. isn’t being canceled, however — merely postponed. TMZ reports that the new plan has them hopping across tha Atlantic in the autumn of 2019. It’s not really a surprise that they’re reconsidering plans. Though Meghan and Harry went on their 16-day tour of Australia, New Zealand, Tonga, and Fiji, they toned things down a little. Of particular concern was Zika virus, which can be transferred via mosquito bites and cause devastating birth defects. There is exciting news, however, because now, on their royal visit, they’ll be expected to have their baby in tow. Next fall, this royal baby will not only be born, but they could be as old as six months old. What’s more is that Meghan Markle is expected to still be an American citizen at that time. She is still going through the process of becoming a British citizen. Though there have been other Americans who have married into British nobility before, the process remains slow even for a Prince’s wife. Meghan’s due date, though officially scheduled for the “spring,” is said to be some time in the viscinity of May 2. As a general rule, you don’t want to fly within your first month after giving birth. These two are waiting longer than that for their journey. But as eager as people are to see this very special royal baby, we hope that Meghan and Harry’s stateside fans will be willing to wait. A royal baby is exciting, but newborns are generally kind of boring. If we’re talking about a six-month old, though, fans could get to see a royal baby who is old enough to look around and understand a lot of what’s being said. Of course, we imagine that a lot of their visit will be spent in Canada. Canada still has official ties to the British Royal Family because Canada is part of the “Commonwealth of Nations.” Visiting isn’t just a social call, it’s about affirming ties in part of one of the world’s oldest political associations between states. (The United States would be in a similar position had it not been for the Revolutionary War) This was also the reason for the couple’s visit to Australia, New Zealand, Fiji, and Tonga. Meghan and Harry’s visit to North America will be a big deal because of Meghan’s heritage. Some, including TMZ , have pointed out that Meghan’s child could, in a very unlikely set of circumstances, become both British monarch and U.S. President. Technically, this child will be in line to the throne. Also technically, any American citizen — as this child is expected to be at birth — can become President. But as entertaining as that idea may be, it would involve something unspeakably tragic happening to Prince William and all three of his children. No one wants that. View Slideshow: Meghan Markle Baby Bump Watch: Is She Showing Yet?
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Meghan Markle and Prince Harry Break Our Hearts, Delay Visit to America