Tag Archives: how-successful

Happy 57th Birthday, Michael Jackson!

Michael Jackson, who passed away tragically and long before his time on June 25, 2009, would have been 57 years old this Saturday. Without a doubt the defining entertainer of his generation and beyond, his groundbreaking music and pop cultural impact are peerless. He changed the music landscape forever, inspiring countless, and breaking every record in the books and leaving a legacy like no other. Long before Michael Jackson died, but even more so after he did, his work became iconic, and his personal eccentricities unparalleled. If you’re looking for scandals, controversy and crazy stories that are uniquely, well, Michael Jackson, you need not look very far at all. Fans remember him for his music and his compassion, however; MJ’s charitable contributions were almost as numerous as his #1 hits. Most of all, he would surely like to be remembered for raising Prince, Blanket and Paris Jackson, all of whom feel his loss most deeply. Here’s wishing his family and friends the best on this somber occasion, which has given way to celebrations of his life for seven years. In the hopes that they find peace and think fondly of the man, we hope he may find peace in the way fans come together in his honor.

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Happy 57th Birthday, Michael Jackson!

Tom Hardy Lip Sync Videos: Possibly the Best Thing on the Internet

Over the past year, Tom Hardy has become one of the most beloved and bankable movie stars on the planet. As a result of his brooding good looks and one-of-a-kind screen presence Hardy has gone from starring in critically adored but commercially overlooked indie fare like Bronson to big budget studio tentpoles like Inception, The Dark Knight Rises, and Mad Max: Fury Road. Of course, even though he's partying with Leonardo DiCaprio and pulling in seven-figure paychecks these days, Hardy still makes time for his passion projects. No, we're not talking about high-brow, challenging films with his favorite directors. We're talking about lip-syncing to Whitney Houston and posting video of it online. Yes, for some reason Hardy loves to drop his tough guy persona and rock out to his favorite jams on social media.  We feel like it's best not to question it. Just let the beautiful hilarity wash over you: 1. Tom Hardy: “Stayin’ Alive” We’re pretty sure this is the most terrifying lip sync of “Stayin’ Alive” ever caught on video. Naturally, that also makes it the most hilarious. 2. Tom Hardy: “Pimp” 50 Cent posted this video of Tom Hardy lip-syncing to “Pimp” on Instagram. Remarkably, Mr. Hardy is sober these days…So we really have no idea WHAT inspired this. 3. Tom Hardy: “Fun, Fun, Fun” Tom Hardy and his friends are the new Beach Boys. It definitely looks like they’re living up to the title of this song. 4. Tom Hardy: “Bohemian Rhapsody” We already knew Tom had range as an actor, but who have guessed he’s such a versatile song stylist. His take on “Bohemian Rhapsody” might bring you to tears…of laughter. 5. Tom Hardy: “CREAM” Cash rules everything around Tom Hardy. Dolla, dolla bill, y’all 6. Tom Hardy: The Sound of Silence” Simon and Garfunkel, meet Tom Hardy and his stunt double. They might be the most badass folk duo in history. View Slideshow

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Tom Hardy Lip Sync Videos: Possibly the Best Thing on the Internet

Kylie Jenner Lingerie Photo: Her Raciest Pic Yet?

It’s been almost three weeks since Kylie Jenner turned 18 , and the Instagram Queen has certainly been making the most of her legal adult status. No, she hasn’t accepted any of the multi-million dollar porn offers coming her way, but she’s been showing what she’s got on Instagram just about every day.  Obviously, Kylie was never exactly shy on social media, but ever since she hit the big 1-8, she’s been participating in  seriously racy photo shoots on an almost-daily basis. The lingerie pic below, for example, is just a typical offering from Kylie these days: While Kylie has certainly shown more skin in the past, some Instagram fans have expressed their shock over the overtly sexual nature of the photo. The stockings and the pose bring to mind Kim Kardashian’s nude body suit photos from earlier this summer. Comparisons between the sisters are nothing new (Some believe Kylie has undergone cosmetic surgery in order to look more like Kim .), but now that Kylie is 18, dating a rapper, and striking Kim-like poses on Instagram, some of her fans are growing concerned. Considering how successful Kim has been, it’s only natural that Kylie wants to emulate her mega-famous big sis. Let’s just hope she doesn’t try to launch her grown-up career in exactly the same way. View Slideshow: 18 Kylie Jenner Photos We Can Finally Show You Legally

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Kylie Jenner Lingerie Photo: Her Raciest Pic Yet?

Robots evolve to deceive one another

In a Swiss laboratory, a group of ten robots is competing for food. Prowling around a small arena, the machines are part of an innovative study looking at the evolution of communication, from engineers Sara Mitri and Dario Floreano and evolutionary biologist Laurent Keller. They programmed robots with the task of finding a “food source” indicated by a light-coloured ring at one end of the arena, which they could “see” at close range with downward-facing sensors.

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Robots evolve to deceive one another