Tag Archives: imminent-price

AT&T points finger at Apple for rejection of Google Voice App

AT&T has told the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) that Apple Inc. is to blame for the rejection of the Google Voice application from the iPhone app store.

Originally posted here:
AT&T points finger at Apple for rejection of Google Voice App

Palm writes to USB-IF over iTunes Pre block

Palm has written a letter of protest to the USB Implementers Forum (USB-IF) , the non-profit organization that maintains the Universal Serial Bus (USB) specification and promotes the interface. The Palm letter concerns Apple ‘s iTunes update (8.2.1) which blocked the Palm Pre from being used with the iTunes software in exactly the same way as an iPod is

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Palm writes to USB-IF over iTunes Pre block

PlayStation 3 production doubles

According to the DigiTimes , Sony has ordered enough supplies for one million PS3 consoles for the Q3 2009, a number double the quarter before it. The news has led to even more speculation that a Slim PS3 is coming this month, alongside an imminent price cut on current models. The announcement is expected at the GamesCom event on August 18th, where Sony will have a three-hour press conference.

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PlayStation 3 production doubles