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The Lakers guard Kobe Bryant has launched the Kobe and Vanessa Bryant Family Foundation , a non profit set up to help homeless families in Los Angeles. Kobe will hold a press conference Today, Tuesday June 7 at My Friend’s Place, a non profit resource center that offers emergency services to about 1600 families a year. During the press conference Kobe will explain his game plan to reduce homelessness. He has plans to provide permanent housing and provide educational and career resources, which will include raising funds, improving services and working alongside My Friend’s Place. Kobe is no stranger to giving back to the community, working with Make a Wish Foundation, St. Jude’s Children’s Hospital, and Boys & Girls Club of America. Be Sure to check out TUD’s # BlackMusicMonth Recent Post: Kobe Bryant Fined 100K For Dropping F-Bomb On Referee [VIDEO] Will L.A. Lakers “Blow Up” the Team? Top 5 Predictions Going Into The Offseason
Kobe & Wife Vanessa Bryant Start Foundation To Help The Homeless In LA