Lara Bingle is some Australian 24 year old model best known for a Tourism Australia campaing, where I’d like to argue she’s best known for her tits…. I looked her up on the internet and she’s sured pretty much everyone for defamation and misuse of her images, she’s a cunt like that…and I wonder if she considers printing up this shit, stapling it to a bag of raw meat and cooked pasta noodles and fucking it misuse of her images, cuz that’s what I’m about to do with the shit…even if I don’t even find her all that hot…I’m crazy like that… To See The Rest of the Pics FOLLOW THIS LINK
I wonder if Victoria Justice, the hot, 18 year old who looks 12, knows she’s wearing a pair of Fem Dom shows, you know the kind normally used in Equus fetish…where you dress your woman up like a horse, throw on a saddle and some reins and make her trot around the room. The shit is pretty weird, but not as weird as one of my many fetishes, where I like to dress woman up in heels and evening gowns and make them roll around in 4 day old kitchen garbage, all while singing “Tiffany-I think we’re alone now”. I think it reminds me of the late 80?s when I was living on the street and hooking up with homeless chicks in an dumpster behind a chinese restaurant…but that’s not the point…the point is girls in these hoof-like shoes, a HORSE TAIL BUTT PLUG, a HORSE FETISH MASKand a saddle…to look like this…so hot….if you’re weird… All this to say, all the yelling at her by the crowds, makes it feel like we’re at a genuine cattle auction, making the whole thing that much more believable… Is this actually what red carpets are all about, holy shit they are an irritating waste of fucking time, why do we care about these idiots again? Oh right, cuz we want to fuck them since the entertainment industry tells us we do…crazy…