Tag Archives: kitchen-garbage

Nicki Minaj Nipple of the Day

I was on Nicki Minaj’s page yesterday – because she posted a butt shot that people started passing around like it mattered… I was like “It’s not even her butt, girl bought that shit to market herself, because she’s some bottom feeding, table scraps, last week’s kitchen garbage, trash that is 99 percent a fucking lie and the only reason she exists is because rappers liked leveraging her pop fame to get their shit downloaded, and she leveraged them to get more street cred”… But no one cares what I think… I saw she was promoting a new single, so she had to get half naked to make some noise, like all these pop stars do…”Oh time to promote something, start posting on social media again, because we are lazy”…. And I didn’t notice she put up a nipple pic, nipple shirt, with nipples…but she did..and everyone, or no one gave a fuck…yet somehow she will still manage to sell singles and tickets to her show…people are drones and will buy anything. The post Nicki Minaj Nipple of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepFather.com .

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Nicki Minaj Nipple of the Day

Nina Nina Agdal Bikini Photoshoot for SI Summer of the Day

Nina Agdal is Leonardo DiCaprio’s beard….or was during the summer…because she had her big break as a low level, relatively old, party girl from Miami at all the right event ass always dreamt of… She’s got a great body, but that face is so fucking Downsy….all forehead…I’ve made fun of her for at least 2 years of her low level success, and the fact that Leo’s picking her up, while she’s old news, last year’s kitchen garbage, rotten table scraps no one gives a fuck about, it’s safe to say he won his Oscar and has since lost his edge…but we can assume if he’s not gay, I know, it’s a stretch, that she puts in work when she fucks him, so much relies on her performance…because she’s not making shit with her modeling, she is more of a ride rich guys kinda girl…but then again, aren’t they all…they put a price tag on their immigrant asses, and want that american dream and any cost…mainly with their dignity…sugar babies… These pics are for SI, her only friends, who are releasing content in the summer – to keep their site active all year…bikini every day….with the same chicks…in the same cheesy catalog style pics..AWESOME… TO SEE THE REST OF THE PICS CLICK HERE The post Nina Nina Agdal Bikini Photoshoot for SI Summer of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

Go here to read the rest:
Nina Nina Agdal Bikini Photoshoot for SI Summer of the Day

Charlotte McKinney’s In GQ Mexico of the Day

Hooter’s Girl who Never Was…because she has a tax evading Bahamas based father who raised her in Florida…and gave her bigger trashy girl dreams than working at Hooters…like being a model, or being on TV, and I guess it worked out for her…even though she has the face of a cocktail waitress and not a model or celebrity…but she does have tits, and she is proof that all it takes is tits, to get ahead…as long as you hang out in the right places, with the right connected rich dudes, who feel like the world should share your tits… You see Charlotte McKinney not a star despite being on Dancing With the Stars…she’s done under 10 campaigns…..before being on TV, in fact I think she did one Superbowl ad…and has since fizzled out but as long as the tits aren’t deflated….she’ll get work…like this cultural appropriation in a shitty photoshoot for GQ Mexico…as America GQ is too busy for such last weeks kitchen garbage and are onto the next famewhore navigating social media like a champ with her tits…trash.. The post Charlotte McKinney’s In GQ Mexico of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

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Charlotte McKinney’s In GQ Mexico of the Day

Kelly Brook Big Tits as Wonder Woman of the Day

Kelly Brook is serious bottom feeding titty model who is really fucking old now… She’s still got her tits, sure she’s fatter now, but she’s always been fat, I know Rugby players in the UK who have fucked her and they laugh about how sloppy she is or was…even at her prime…TRUE STORY… I guess she’s been trying to make it in Hollywood, since she moved to LA at 37 a few years ago, instead of just settling down and making babies despite being pregnant…in the UK…because of delusions that made her think she’s got talent, that she is important, that she can make it in the industry…because no man has ever said no to him due to her tits… Well, that strategy probably didn’t work, at least based on these pics, not that I know anything Kelly Brook is up to, I don’t really pay attention to last weeks kitchen garbage until it starts to smell, and this is her smelling…in the form of “LETs TRY TO GET NERDS ON BOARD, THIS IS NEW MARKETING STRATEGY, SLUTTY PICS AREN’T ENOUGH”…and it’s boring to me, but I guess you read blogs, making you a pretty pathetic person, so you should fucking LOVE this…I do it for you, think of it as Charity since I don’t get paid to do this…. The post Kelly Brook Big Tits as Wonder Woman of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

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Kelly Brook Big Tits as Wonder Woman of the Day

Kylie Jenner’s Red Thong of the Day

Kylie Jenner disgusts me. She is just garbage, last week’s kitchen garbage, exploited at her expense to make the family money, and she’s managed to maintain the doughy Kardashian monster look, and she should be taken outback and shot, or maybe her plastic surgeon should, for fucking up a kid, but not nearly as much as her mom and transdad did…. Young people know who she is, care who she is and I guess lazy, young, possibly fake ass because her family needs a fat ass, her family loves plastic surgery and does everything for money, even on the white ones…to cash the fuck in… Well she’s wearing a red thong, showing it off, to get her audience and the paparazzi excited, or maybe because she’s wearing one size too small on purpose as they are all calculated, contrived shit…shit that I guess is being contained on this pig with underwear…underwear you’d probably buy off ebay to sniff…to see what strand of AIDS TYGAs tranny fucking dick gave her… She’s not hot, either is her underwear… The post Kylie Jenner’s Red Thong of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

Kylie Jenner’s Red Thong of the Day

Kylie Jenner’s Red Thong of the Day

Kylie Jenner disgusts me. She is just garbage, last week’s kitchen garbage, exploited at her expense to make the family money, and she’s managed to maintain the doughy Kardashian monster look, and she should be taken outback and shot, or maybe her plastic surgeon should, for fucking up a kid, but not nearly as much as her mom and transdad did…. Young people know who she is, care who she is and I guess lazy, young, possibly fake ass because her family needs a fat ass, her family loves plastic surgery and does everything for money, even on the white ones…to cash the fuck in… Well she’s wearing a red thong, showing it off, to get her audience and the paparazzi excited, or maybe because she’s wearing one size too small on purpose as they are all calculated, contrived shit…shit that I guess is being contained on this pig with underwear…underwear you’d probably buy off ebay to sniff…to see what strand of AIDS TYGAs tranny fucking dick gave her… She’s not hot, either is her underwear… The post Kylie Jenner’s Red Thong of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

Kylie Jenner’s Red Thong of the Day

Kendall Jenner’s Vogue Japan Nipples of the Day

Kendall Jenner has nipples that she’s decided to show off in Vogue Japan’s feature on her, because I guess she realizes that showing her nipples is good for business, especially in Japan where people are obsessive over American cultural icons they don’t fully understand, but that they will pay millions of dollars a year to promote random Japanese products… There’s no way this isn’t a strategic move, she’s a Kardashian and everything they do is a tactic to manipulate the media, and it works…despite the fact that they don’t work… I find the whole thing pretty disgusting, in terms of legacy or message they are giving to young girls who are their fans, it’s almost as bad as child molestation, because it’s pollution their minds into thinking that when given a voice and a platform, it’s best to not get an education, but rather to be a vapid topless cunt… It’s just greed, narcissm, and even with nipples telling other girls to show their nipples, because nipples are great…it can’t be good for society.. I’m not a religious man, I’m not a preacher, but I know evil when I see it….and when the most powerful, money generating family in the media is this crew of kitchen garbage…and the general public are dumber than ever buying into this shit…bad things will happen… I am all for girls sending me sex tapes and masturbation videos, and even if Kim K was a the catalyst who made that mainstream, and the idea of mainstream girls getting naked in videos, instead of porn chicks, making the naked selfie far more accessible everywhere I fucking look, even making the dude from snapchat a billionaire, and making me get at least 10 spread pussy pics emailed to me a day…instead of one a week or less from some fat married freak…I used to get…I’d trade it all in to get rid of these people…or maybe I wouldn’t…I like my nudes and can ignore these Kardashians…FTW…maybe this is the first sign of the end of the world! YAY!! Nipple.s The post Kendall Jenner’s Vogue Japan Nipples of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

Continued here:
Kendall Jenner’s Vogue Japan Nipples of the Day

Bieber Getting Hit By a Water Bottle of the Day

This happened a few days before Bieber fell off and went to a brothel to get AIDS from tranny Brazilian hookers, as people like to do when partaking in some sex tourism…it was in concert when motherfucker got hit by a bottle…a storyline that would be more interesting if it was a bullet, or really any explosive, because a dead Bieber makes for a better and safer world for the youth of tomorrow…not that I care about Bieber, but I do care about seeing him get hurt and running off stage..

Originally posted here:
Bieber Getting Hit By a Water Bottle of the Day

Paris Hilton’s Inspirational Marketing Pitch While Honored in a Russian Mall of the Day

I don’t know what Russian Billionaire Paris Hilton had sex with, but I am going to assume he owns the Russian Mall that presented her with this star on their walk of fame….and that they probably met on Yachts in Ibizia…or maybe Russia, like during the cold war, is just 10 years behind America and hitting up on our last week’s kitchen garbage, honouring them with bullshit things, and giving them a venue to feel important since they have fallen off at home….or maybe…just maybe…no one else returned this Mall’s call for such a silly thing…because flying the 10-12 hours even for a free Moscow trip…was more of a pain in the ass than anything…but it’s nice to see Paris took the opportunity to pitch her shit to a poor unsuspecting crowd who just want a taste of America…but instead got a taste of a vapid, useless, famewhore brat…who likes to talk about herself…which I guess based on the girls I’ve met…is a taste of America…good times.

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Paris Hilton’s Inspirational Marketing Pitch While Honored in a Russian Mall of the Day

Victoria Justice Does Some Red Carpet in Some Fem Dom Shoes of the Day

I wonder if Victoria Justice, the hot, 18 year old who looks 12, knows she’s wearing a pair of Fem Dom shows, you know the kind normally used in Equus fetish…where you dress your woman up like a horse, throw on a saddle and some reins and make her trot around the room. The shit is pretty weird, but not as weird as one of my many fetishes, where I like to dress woman up in heels and evening gowns and make them roll around in 4 day old kitchen garbage, all while singing “Tiffany-I think we’re alone now”. I think it reminds me of the late 80?s when I was living on the street and hooking up with homeless chicks in an dumpster behind a chinese restaurant…but that’s not the point…the point is girls in these hoof-like shoes, a HORSE TAIL BUTT PLUG, a HORSE FETISH MASKand a saddle…to look like this…so hot….if you’re weird… All this to say, all the yelling at her by the crowds, makes it feel like we’re at a genuine cattle auction, making the whole thing that much more believable… Is this actually what red carpets are all about, holy shit they are an irritating waste of fucking time, why do we care about these idiots again? Oh right, cuz we want to fuck them since the entertainment industry tells us we do…crazy…

Go here to read the rest:
Victoria Justice Does Some Red Carpet in Some Fem Dom Shoes of the Day