Tag Archives: innocent

Justin Bieber: Selena Gomez is "One of My Best Friends"

Justin Bieber and rumored girlfriend Selena Gomez tried to go out for a romantic stroll in Miami today before his concert, but were met by a swarm of paparazzi. Justin and Selena have been denying their romance since they were seen having breakfast together last week. (Photo Agency) more pics

Justin Bieber: Selena Gomez is "One of My Best Friends"

Justin Bieber and rumored girlfriend Selena Gomez tried to go out for a romantic stroll in Miami today before his concert, but were met by a swarm of paparazzi. Justin and Selena have been denying their romance since they were seen having breakfast together last week. (Photo Agency) more pics

Cate Edwards: Engaged to Trevor Upham!

In the final days before Elizabeth Edwards’ death , daughter Cate gave her mother the happiest of news: She was engaged to longtime sweetheart Trevor Upham. The couple, who met as students at Princeton, got engaged over Thanksgiving after spending the holiday at the Edwards family’s Chapel Hill, N.C., home. “Elizabeth was thrilled,” a close friend told People . Cate Edwards with her late mother Elizabeth. Elizabeth Edwards’ funeral is today . Cate Edwards, 28, is expected to deliver a eulogy and Trevor Upham, a physician, will serve as one of the pallbearers. Upham has said that Cate, an anti-discrimination lawyer in D.C., and her mother (also a lawyer) were alike in many ways: “They have the same quirks.” “They like the same things. I think they even hold their phones the same way.” Congratulations to Cate on this wonderful news, which surely made her mother thrilled and proud even in the circumstances of these past couple of weeks.

Continued here:
Cate Edwards: Engaged to Trevor Upham!

Happy Birthday, Hank Baskett IV!

Hank Baskett IV turns a year old today, and the little guy really needs your best wishes. This is a toddler whose dad continues to be cut by professional football teams and whose mother is so desperate for attention that she’ll mislead the public about a miscarriage . Pretty tragic stuff. Hank, of course, is just the innocent, adorable bystander in all of this. He’s not even aware of how his mother is exploiting him on tabloid covers such as the ones shown here. He probably thinks the cameramen are his relatives. Poor guy. Happy birthday, buddy.

Continued here:
Happy Birthday, Hank Baskett IV!

Hannah Montana Sneak Peek: The Final Season

Ready to enter an alternate universe? Given the extreme makeover Miley Cyrus has undergone over the past couple months, it’s jarring to remember that she still plays Hannah Montana on television. In fact, that show will air the first episode of its final season tomorrow night. It finds the Stewarts moving into a new ranch home and we’ve posted a sneak peek at the premiere below. Miley is front and center, but there are no same-sex kisses, no gyrating of the crotch and no torn-up, low-cut, ridiculous outfits to be seen… Hannah Montana Clip Cyrus has gone out of her way to say she wants to shed this innocent image, but she really might wanna think twice about that. After all, her new album sales have been abysmal . She may have to accept the fact that most fans wish to see her as looks here, not as some Britney Spears wannabe:

See the article here:
Hannah Montana Sneak Peek: The Final Season

Miley Cyrus Remains Unoriginal, Pathetic, Desperate for Attention

The Miley Cyrus street walking tour continued through Europe this weekend. Desperate to prove she’s no longer an innocent Disney teen (except when she wants to garner sympathy from her fans, that is), Cyrus performed in Rio and in Paris over the last couple days. The derivative act remained the same, as Cyrus wore fewer layers than Kendra Wilkinson; writhed around with back-up dancers on stage; and copied the exact same script Britney Spears perfected years ago: How to Be Edgy and Sexy, While Playing the Innocent, 17-Year Old Card Whenever Anyone Dares to Call You Out for Such Pathetic Acts and Lack of Talent. Yawn. We’ve been here and seen this multiple times in the past. At the very least, it would be nice if Miley offered fans something remotely creative… Miley Cyrus is totally innocent and naive, people! Where would you ever get the idea she’d make out with a girl in order to prove her edginess?!? [Photos: Splash News] At G-A-Y night club in Paris, meanwhile, Cyrus put on a hilarious performance: she sung inspirational ballad “The Climb,” while dressed like someone in a movie produced by Vivid Entertainment. You must watch: Miley Climbs Below, we’ve posted more videos of Miley performing in Paris and dressed like every talentless young star that can’t make it on talent alone. Can’t Be Tamed in Paris G-A-Y Performance Witnesses at the Paris club said they could see Miley’s underwear during most of her performance. Stay classy, girl!

Here is the original post:
Miley Cyrus Remains Unoriginal, Pathetic, Desperate for Attention

Wikileaks Video Demonstrates Conclusively That Innocent People Get Killed in Wars [Secrets]

Wikileaks is an admirable organization, and it has admirably published video of two Reuters journalists being shot to oblivion in Iraq three years ago by U.S. helicopter gunships. The video is evidence of cruelty and carelessness. But not murder. More

Austrian scientists bury live pigs in snow

Vehement protests from animal activists prompted scientists on Thursday to temporarily stop an avalanche experiment that involved burying pigs in snow and monitoring their deaths. The two-week experiment — taking place in the Western Austrian Alps — was trying to determine what factors make it possible for humans to survive an avalanche in an air pocket until rescued without suffering permanent brain damage. http://airamerica.com/green/01-14-2010/activists-protest-experiments-burying-pig…

Read the rest here:
Austrian scientists bury live pigs in snow

US waves white flag in disastrous ‘War on Drugs’

It's about time, and by the way free the innocent people who have been and are incarcerated for victimless crimes. added by: kennymotown 25 comments

Go here to read the rest:
US waves white flag in disastrous ‘War on Drugs’

Ft. Hood shooter was mistreated

“Everyone else just sat down there and drunk their beer and looked at him and giggled at him,” the woman said, starting to cry. “They just would laugh at him when he walked down with his Muslim clothes. . .

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Ft. Hood shooter was mistreated