Tag Archives: inside-herself

Sydney Leathers Does Hardcore Porn of the Day

Sydney Leathers, a lady who I posted a EXCLUSIVE VAGINA RUBBING CLIP she starred in, better known as the opportunist who exposed Weiner in a vindictive fuck up his campaign because he wouldn’t have sex with her but rather just used her for NUDES, who’s opportunities were limited to shooting porn…for obvious reasons…a porn you can get HERE and that now has more than her just rubbing herself but also COCK …Cock that you can see her put inside herself in pictures by CLICKING HERE …it’s NSFW, but worth your time, because encouraging any girl who made it into the tabloids or being a slut to become a pornstar rather than a reality star…makes me happy…it’s like years ago girls wouldn’t be caught dead fucking on camera, now they do it to get famous…and I love every second of it…even if I don’t like what the girls look like..because they are fat and scary… TO SEE THE HARDCORE PICS CLICK HERE

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Sydney Leathers Does Hardcore Porn of the Day

Jennifer Aniston’s Ass in Denim of the Day

I was just complaining to a friend about how the paprazzi fucking suck cuz they never get solid ass shots. It’s like they have contracts with these celebrity cunts that says “no ass allowed” and I’m the kind of guy who needs to look at that shit….but then I came I saw these Aniston ass shots, but that doesn’t really count cuz she’s so fucking desperate to get pregnant, that she’s parading her shit around, hoping anything hits and sticks to her uterus, probably paying the paparazzi to make sure they get her ass, cuz I’ve watched the nature channel and I’ve seen how monkey’s seduce each other when they are ready to get knocked up during mating season…. The desperation has set in, the biological clock has probably stopped ticking, and I am surprised these aren’t pics of her bent over smearing cum she pulled out of a used condom she found on the side of the street inside herself, hoping it works….

See the original post here:
Jennifer Aniston’s Ass in Denim of the Day