Tag Archives: key-ingredient

Jennifer Aniston’s Ass in Denim of the Day

I was just complaining to a friend about how the paprazzi fucking suck cuz they never get solid ass shots. It’s like they have contracts with these celebrity cunts that says “no ass allowed” and I’m the kind of guy who needs to look at that shit….but then I came I saw these Aniston ass shots, but that doesn’t really count cuz she’s so fucking desperate to get pregnant, that she’s parading her shit around, hoping anything hits and sticks to her uterus, probably paying the paparazzi to make sure they get her ass, cuz I’ve watched the nature channel and I’ve seen how monkey’s seduce each other when they are ready to get knocked up during mating season…. The desperation has set in, the biological clock has probably stopped ticking, and I am surprised these aren’t pics of her bent over smearing cum she pulled out of a used condom she found on the side of the street inside herself, hoping it works….

See the original post here:
Jennifer Aniston’s Ass in Denim of the Day

Miley Cyrus Countdown To 18 of the Day

I know it probably feels like just yesterday that you were jerking off to late night episodes or your DVD collection of Hannah Montana, back when Miley was 14…. You and your pervert desires couldn’t be contained… but that impending dark cloud and fateful day that you knew was coming has finally come, and the end of your Miley masturbation is finally upon us, cuz there’s no bigger turn off to a pervert like you that when a bitch turns 18. I am not sure what that’s going to do to Miley’s fanbase, but I am sure she’s already got a plan to step up and sex up her act now that she can legally get naked for us, instead of just cock tease us about it all to makeup for the lost perverts…Not to mention she’s a daughter going through a divorce…a key ingredient in a huge percent of girls craving serious attention. That said, 4 days til Miley’s 18th Birthday. Good things to come to those of us who like our pussy to not get us arrested….and to those of you who love the risk…take in what may be the last pics of her at 17….

Originally posted here:
Miley Cyrus Countdown To 18 of the Day