Tag Archives: internet-thing

The Kardashian Christmas Card is a Photo Series of the Day

I saw this horrible Kardashian Christmas card, as tacky as you’d expect, yesterday but apparently it’s a series of pics, obviously, these over the top assholes just don’t stop…even though they should be stopped with an elephant gun… Apparently, they hired David Lachapelle to shoot their Christmas card, and by The Kardashians I mean E!, as the Kardashians have E! by the balls and make them pay for all the over the top shit they do, because spending their own stupid money they made being the worst humans on earth would just be crazy, when they can trap other idiots to do it for them…they’ve got it all figured out, but it’s too bad that these Dancing Monkeys aren’t just Dancing Monkeys that their trainer can put to sleep because they’re all danced out… The only thing nice about this over the top shoot it is that Bruce Jenner let his Tranny hair out…not you tranny lovers can really throw down to him…if you know what I mean… Garbage

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The Kardashian Christmas Card is a Photo Series of the Day

The Best thing to Happen to Youtube Today of the Day

This girl is from Vancouver Canada and the homies at VIDHUNTR turned me onto her… She’s some crackhead looking girl who dances around in her underwear and I don’t think there is anything better than that available to us…she’s exactly what I have alays been looking for… It’s like she’s mastered this internet thing, figured it all out, and is on her way to being her own next Beiber…cuz as far as I’m concerned, she’s a star and my opinion is all that matters… Watch some of her genius, creepy, amazing work…it’s love songs to my eyes… Here’s another one… And another one… One more…. All legendary…let’s hope this makes her famous because she’s perfect and deserves it.

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The Best thing to Happen to Youtube Today of the Day

Gabe & Max’s 100 Seconds

Please enjoy the first episode of your new favorite internet talk show not involving ferns. It has just the right amount of gadgets.

Go here to see the original:
Gabe & Max’s 100 Seconds

Three Woolf Moon T-Shirt

Here's your literary internet thing of the week (now in t-shirt form!). (Can someone make me a Waiting For Dogot tshirt? I will pay you in bowler hats.) Contribute: Add an image, link, video or comment