Tag Archives: jackson-world

Report: Unopened James Holmes Letter Detailed Plans for Massacre

According to a new report, James Holmes actually alerted a psychologist at the University of Colorado to his plans to commit mass murder… only the recipient never opened the package in question. Fox News says the Colorado shooting suspect mailed a notebook “full of details about how he was going to kill people” to the school’s mail room, which is where police and FBI agent found it this week. “There were drawings of what he was going to do in it – drawings and illustrations of the massacre,” an insider with knowledge told Fox, adding that the photos drawn in a spiral-bound notebook’s pages depict a gun-wielding stick figure opening fire on other stick figures. The package has reportedly been sitting in the mailroom since July 12 and was never delivered to the professor to whom it was addressed. It is now in the hands of the FBI. It’s unclear if the recipient ever had any contact with Holmes, but he or she treats patients at a psychiatry outpatient facility on campus. Holmes was a student at the school’s neuroscience doctoral program until a few weeks ago. In related, far more positive news: Christian Bale visited victims of the tragedy in Aurora yesterday.

Original post:
Report: Unopened James Holmes Letter Detailed Plans for Massacre

TJ Jackson Named Guardian of Michael’s Kids; Katherine Jackson on Way to California

In this edition of How The Jackson World Turns… TJ Jackson, the nephew of Michael Jackson, has been named by a court as the temporary guardian of MJ’s three kids, Paris, Prince and Blanket. The legal maneuver was necessary because Katherine Jackson – who has served in this capacity for the past three years – has been out of contact with the children for over 10 days now, since a few of her kids took her away to Arizona. “This is not a power play by TJ Jackson,” L.A. Superior Court Judge Mitchell L. Beckloff said at an emergency hearing. “This is based on the allegation that Katherine Jackson is being prevented from acting as guardian.” Katherine’s attorney was also present and said there’s “reason to believe” her client is “being held against her will.” But that is supposedly changing now, as Randy Jackson appeared today on Good Morning America and said his mother is on her way back to California. It appears as though Randy’s scheme – to convince his mom to challenge the authenticity of Michael’s will because he’s upset it does not name him or any siblings as benefactors – has fallen apart and he is being forced to cave in to public pressure. Last night, Marlon Jackson broke down during an interview, pleading to learn the whereabouts of his mother.

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TJ Jackson Named Guardian of Michael’s Kids; Katherine Jackson on Way to California